Soulbyte for Monday August 15, 2022

Hold steady no matter what is happening around you, keeping a steady heart, a steady mind, and the body steady as well. There is no good in going crazy, even though there may be much craziness around you. Remain steady and viable in heart and mind, focused on what is right and good for the greater welfare of all. Extremists will come and go but a steady heart will prevail, no matter the circumstances, and love will win over all.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday August 12, 2022

Remember that you are more than physical matter, that you are also spirit, energy, and consciousness. These three things are your super powers. They allow you to transcend the mundane. They allow you insight and knowledge far beyond the norm. Keep in mind that these super powers are what make life meaningful and the exploration of them is what will set you free and prepare you for a future that is uniquely adventurous. So yes, your body is important but you are so much more than your body. You have super powers to tap into, to hone, and to enjoy.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday August 11, 2022

Let not your mind take control but do let your heart open to the possibility that it alone can lead you, for it is more intelligent, more connected and fine tuned than you realize. With the heart leading, life changes and love, compassion and kindness become the norm. Wouldn’t you like to try that for a change?

Sending you love
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday August 10, 2022

Strive for balance in all you do so that your energy remains viable, your mind focused, and your body in good health. It’s so easy to overdo in so many ways, yet it takes discipline to chart a new path that involves maintaining balance of body, mind and spirit, especially in a world so full of troubles, illness, and chaos of all kinds. Remember your main goals: to connect with your spirit self more often, to learn what life is all about, and to journey onward toward wholeness. Such focus alone gives you the starting point to form the discipline you need. Keep a compassionate and loving heart and your journey will be much easier as well.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: The Thoughtform Of Being

Keep what comes and goes on the positive side…
– Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Placebo is the physical creation of a belief. Based on the thoughtform of belief, a sugar pill can cure anything. Thought is the true creator of physical reality.

The most brilliant psychologists of the early 20th century created the advertising industry to control the behavior of consumers through suggestion. Suggestion is a thoughtform that mobilizes the creative potential of the subconscious mind to manifest its instructions: Drink Coke: “Things go better with Coke.”  “It’s the real thing!”

Marketing psychologists discovered the power of hypnotism, the intentional use of the thoughtform of suggestion to change people’s behavior. Radio hosts like Alex Jones have demonstrated, definitively, the power of suggested conspiracy theories to impact people’s behavior.

Our current world is saturated with an unending flood of targeted messages competing for the critical mass of subscribers needed to generate a consensus reality. This translates to the current political rivalries that amass ‘war chests’, the money needed to reach the subconscious minds of the electorate, through advertising thoughtforms designed to control voting behaviors.

Every aspect of our mental and physical body is created and driven by thoughtforms. Thoughtforms are encoded in our DNA, the programs of our species and our ancestral memory. Thoughtforms are encoded in the archetypes that convert sensory input into form and meaning. These thoughtforms, as well as the internalized beliefs from our outer world socialization, are stored in the vast warehouse and factory of the subconscious mind. The conscious mind actually has the power to override even our DNA and our personal physical conditions.

Everyone has access to their subconscious minds. Our human potential can be maximized through gaining control of the thoughtforms that determine our being. One of the main blocks to accessing our greater potential is inertia. The current operating system of our being, however unpleasant or dysfunctional, runs automatically and allows us to coast through life with a minimum of effort.

Change requires energy and persistence. Programs like EST and The Forum seek to break through the ego’s inertia through group pressure, avoidance of shame, and heavily loaded homework assignments that preclude sleep. Once removed from these pressured environments, most people slip back to the default setting of inertia and business as usual.

The shamans of ancient Mexico introduced the power of Unbending Intent to assume full control of the state of their being. This is accomplished with an unwavering perseverance of presenting thoughtforms to the subconscious mind. Most important is the absolute certainty that what is sought will happen.

Besides the limiting impact of instinctive inertia upon change, the rational mind casts a powerfully constrictive web of doubt and blocking beliefs over the potential effectiveness of intent. My suggestion is to suspend judgment and perseveringly remind the self that your intent will be realized. Be patient, see what happens.

Start small. When someone tells me they never remember their dreams, I point out the impactful nature of that suggestion to the subconscious mind, to “Never remember dreams.” Reframe it before sleep: “Tonight I remember my dreams.” Everyone who perseveres with this statement of intent will at some point start to remember their dreams.

Once one discovers the power of unbending intent in small ways, they will begin to gain confidence in its true power to manifest. Wishing and hoping are replaced with knowing the true power of intent. Perseverance and patience is all it takes. As true as this is, the journey toward realizing intent activates complexes that must first be neutralized to clear the path to realization of the desired intent.

Complexes are most often traumatic experiences that are buried in the personal unconscious layer of the psyche and the physical body. Though they exist out of consciousness, they often exert a powerfully constrictive influence on one’s basic sense of security and worthiness.

They are the powerful programs in the subconscious that resist change, insisting on maintaining powerful defenses to avoid the emotions, sensations, and thoughts inherent in trauma. A thorough recapitulation that neutralizes these activated complexes clears the path to the new life of one’s coveted intent.

Another concern is the fact that intent can be exercised in hurtful and destructive ways, such as has been demonstrated in the thoughtforms expressed by Alex Jones, as regards the Sandy Hook massacre, for instance. We must have deep respect for the power of intent and exercise it responsibly, for the greater good of all.

Even at the level of our own thoughts (which are telepathically transmitted to a world of potentially receptive minds), we are broadcasting out intentions that impact the world, and ourselves. If our thoughts are constantly negative we draw only negativity to us. We suffer and the world suffers as well.

Let genuine compassion be the guiding thoughtform of our being, for our personal intents, in our thoughts of others, and for the world at large.

“Compassion Now.”

With loving compassion,
