Soulbyte for Wednesday August 31, 2022

                                              – Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Start anew each day with new intentions, new thoughts about yourself and new words of encouragement. Begin each day with a renewed sense of life as a wonderful journey never before taken, each step a new step into the unknown. Even though things may not appear different from one day to the next, you have the power to change how you think, how you act, and where you put your energy, your creativity, and your compassionate heart.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Boundaried And Unboundaried

Vibrate love…
– Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Ego is actually Soul, boundaried. At some level it knows it is part of something greater yet it must suffer the necessary amnesia of its true origins and be limited to its identity forged in its life in human form. Once it arrives at its true place, as agent of consciousness in the greater life of its Soul, all settles nicely.

Nonetheless, boundaries are truly essential to have a truly human experience in time and space. And isn’t that why we are in the specific life we are in, to experience and advance this life, which will eventually become a part of our greater Soul’s infinite journey?

Nonetheless, while our ego is preoccupied with our human life dream, our greater Soul lives on. We cross paths with Soul in dreams, synchronicities and intuitive downloads that provide guidance and support to our student ego.

As we loosen our boundaries, we open to the wholeness of our living Soul. For instance, the simple act of releasing muscular tension introduces us to the greater wholeness of the physical body. Breathing into ever-deeper relaxation opens the door to the subtle soul, as our energy stirs and begins to vibrate.

As the vibratory frequency rises and intensifies we become one with all of nature, joining the chorus of tree frogs and cicadas. As boundaries melt away, we become very much aware of the oneness of everything in the energetic wave that we are all part of.

By practicing this simple relaxation ego learns that it is more than its current identity. Though it must be in its human life, in its solid physical body, it can connect with its multidimensional self as well, experiencing the subtle connection to its energetic home in the ongoing life of its greater Soul.

Ego can evolve during its sojourn in space/time by maintaining connection with its fuller self. All that is truly required is to give up its illusion of the superiority of its reason. More specifically, ego must allow its reason to grow beyond itself and to more deeply explore the world of its beyond-ordinary land of intuition.

Ego can also mature to release itself from the seductive grip of negativity, which offers its own kind of divinity of smoldering passion. Love, in contrast, melts all the boundaries of the multidimensional self in its acceptance of everything.

Surrounded by the powerful energy of love, the wall of defensive negativity relaxes its solid grip, and we are released to breathe in the calm energy of love.

At the deepest and most subtle levels, relax and let love permeate, within and without. As part of infinity’s greater wave of energy, love is a course corrective for the times we live in. May ego find its way to love.

Hold love within, intend it without. Boundaried and unboundaried will feel its call.


Soulbyte for Tuesday August 30, 2022

                                              – Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Take care of yourself. Only you know what you really need, but if you don’t do the things you know you should do for yourself no one else will be of help either. You are responsible for you. There is no rescue except within the self by admitting that you know what you need and by taking the steps that you should take to help yourself. Most physical ills are caused by energy blockages, by stuck emotions, old ideas and beliefs that have stagnated and solidified. Trauma is a severe cause of trouble until faced and resolved. Take care of yourself as only you know how, with the pure and good intention to once and for all undo what needs undoing and getting into a new balance of good energy flow and inner calmness that is right for you. You know what to do.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday August 29, 2022

                                               – Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

There is no greater challenge than to change the self, to do work on the self, to open the self to knowledge that is neither seen nor heard. For to know the self in the deepest way and to seek to evolve is the true work of a human life. Without judgment, resentment, or blame, seek to evolve the self, not in a selfish way but in a selfless way, so that you may become a truly compassionate and loving person.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday August 26, 2022

                                                -Illustration © 2022 by Jan Ketchel

Slow down. Take things slowly, as they come, carefully pondering what to do rather than leaping ahead without knowing where you are going. Sometimes it’s okay to leap, to enter into the unknown, but even that should be done with some knowledge of how to navigate. When unexpected choices must be made there is no need to be rushed or pressured. Take your time and make the choice that is right for you.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne