Beware! Let not the old self distract the journey of the new self as you make your way toward lasting change. Turn swiftly away from its old ideas, desires, and behaviors as you look only forward now into the light of a new day. With eyes forward, heart open and ready to receive, and with mind focused on the path ahead, bid goodbye to the old self with gratitude and love for all that you have experienced. Without regret, resentment or sadness, move on, for there is no peace in such sentiments. Find peace now in knowing that you did all you could and that times call for new action, new behaviors, and a new you now. That is what fuels your new self and your new path of heart, a new and determined intent to change!
There are no mistakes; there are only lessons, lessons learned, lessons still to learn, and lessons that have shifted one’s perspective and left a lasting impression. Some lessons are immediately life changing, while others must be experienced again and again for their significance to sink in. Have patience with the self as life’s lessons are experienced and fathomed, as their challenges come each day and prod you along on your journey toward wholeness. One day and one step at a time make up a whole journey. Have patience as your journey unfolds one lesson at a time, and make no mistake about it, your ARE learning and you ARE growing. Don’t give up!
Each new dawn is an opportunity to intend change… – Photo by Jan Ketchel
The subconscious mind is command central for the human mind. Nonetheless, though it sets in motion the bulk of everything we think, feel and do, it itself does not think. The subconscious mind simply obeys suggestions. The intensity or accrued stress of the suggestion determines the likelihood of it being activated.
The subconscious is the programmed mind. All animals respond almost totally to circumstances with preprogrammed instinctive behaviors. Humans have the innovation of consciousness, which allows for the possibility of choice of response to any given encounter, over simply the automatic, unreflected action of the subconscious mind.
Nonetheless, the subconscious remains formidably dominant in human behavior. A person might choose to confront a situation that their subconscious mind’s program determines should be avoided. This program can be overridden by the conscious will, however, the subconscious might concurrently generate pervasive anxiety to freeze the intended behavioral action of the conscious will.
However, the proficiency of the evolutionary programs of the subconscious that have led to individual survival, and survival of the species for eons, tend to reassert themselves pretty easily over orders directed to the subconscious from the conscious mind. Anyone who has attempted to establish a new habit is well acquainted with the tendency of older, more established habits, to defeat conscious efforts to change.
The subconscious is comprised of evolutionary habits, as well as habits rooted in one’s outer socialization. The rules and expectations of significant others, in the impressionable years of childhood, are often internalized as powerful programs for behaviors that eventually operate unconsciously through the subconscious mind. These internalized programs are incessantly reinforced by the internal dialogue, which automatically judges self and other with predetermined prejudice.
The key to establishing a new habit in the subconscious mind is suggestion. When a hypnotist puts a subject into trance, they are essentially turning off the subject’s conscious mind. Next, a suggestion is made to the subject that goes directly to the subconscious mind and is then behaviorally enacted upon, as suggested.
Not everyone can be put into trance by a hypnotist, but everyone is put into trance by the many powerful programs that run daily, through suggestions operating at a subconscious level. Thus, if one has an internal dialogue that repeats the suggestion, “I am unworthy of love”, the entranced outcome will be a mood and behavior that reflects unworthiness and lack of lovability. These programs are often so powerful that even constant feedback to the contrary, from a loving partner for instance, cannot change this embedded suggestion.
Though a hypnotist might temporarily suggest a new program, creating change in a subject, the locus of control remains in the hands of another person, the hypnotist. This is why self-hypnosis is the preferred vehicle of change.
Saturation of suggestion during waking life definitely implants a suggestion to the subconscious. Thus for instance, if I want to remember my dreams, or become conscious while out-of-body during sleep, I might state this intention incessantly throughout the day.
Regardless of outcome on any given night, if I persevere with stating my intention, every day, that suggestion will reach subconscious action at some point. Every time we state an intent, we accrue energy toward a powerful suggestion becoming operational.
Unfortunately, we don’t know for certain how much energy must be accrued before it tips the scales to action. The guidance here: perseverance furthers. As well, just as the hypnotist silences the conscious mind prior to implanting a suggestion, it is best to relax the body and mind prior to stating one’s suggestion.
Be of calm body and mind, state your suggestion many times a day, many days of the month. With the calm abandon of detachment, yet with the knowing certainty that the subconscious will be impressed, await the manifestation of your dream.
Awaken, and take on the tremendous task each day of owning the life you are in, of taking responsibility, without blame or shame, for all that you have been granted, all that you have experienced, all that you have done. For indeed, it is your life to figure out and bring to fruition. No one else is responsible for your life, though many may help or hinder, depending on how you see it. Wake up and embrace all that you have been given and all the opportunities each day offers. Take it all to a new level, one day and one step at a time, without regret but with an open and expectant heart. Carve your way forward with your own loving self in mind as your goal, for to become a loving being is indeed a fine life to strive for, love for yourself and for others. You can’t go wrong with that. As within, so without.
Sending you love, From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne
Find a light in every day, a spark by which to find your way, to enable you to see clearly, hear succinctly, and know without a doubt that you and your journey through life matter and have value. You have something within you that daily seeks higher ground, that wants this day to be better than yesterday, that always seeks the light of love and positivity, that accepts the challenges that await you without fear or regret. Each new day is a day filled with possibilities, and there is always a part of you yearning for new experiences and new potential. Welcome to a new day of your most amazing journey through life!