Tag Archives: transition

Chuck’s Place: Spirit is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Spirit in the flow of everyday change…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Every being upon this planet is exposed to the identical pressure of Earth in radical transition. The term transition highlights the growth potential that accompanies the obvious destructive side effects of these far reaching changes.

This pressure, or egalitarian touch of the Spirit, offers all beings an opportunity to evolve. How we interpret this pressure will determine how we respond to this opportunity, which is presented equally to all.

As individual humans we are beings of two minds, the mind of everyday life and the mind of the Spirit. The everyday mind is largely of extrinsic origin, being the product of  the internalized forces of socialization. Though experienced as deeply personal, this is the judging mind of the internal dialogue that tells us who we are and what is what, according to our deeply internalized party line.

The fixation of everyone’s everyday mind is an overarching concern about the self, or by extension, me and mine. That mind interprets the world through the narrow narcissistic lens of being offended, or validated, by all the actions of others, or simply by the world-at-large.  At present, the world is being treated to a mighty reflection of this everyday mind, as mirrored by world leadership.

As the Earth proceeds along her mighty path of transformation, it becomes increasingly obvious that the dominance of the everyday mind is headed for extinction, at least in its current form. How can this self-serving approach to reality possibly survive the absolute necessity of a more comprehensive concern for the survival of the entire planet?

The mind of the Spirit is directly linked to the deeper truth of Earth’s profound transformation. However, this knowing of the Spirit is largely veiled by the mind of everyday life, with its fixation of total energy and attention placed upon its self-centered, worrisome, everyday concerns. From its perspective, my survival, regardless of altruistic verbiage and activity, is as far as it can really see.

The mind of Spirit speaks softly but honestly beneath the dense layers of the everyday mind. Shocks in the everyday flow of life, such as the tragic untimely death of Kobe Bryant, offer glimpses of Spirit.  The far greater outer calamities of the Earth are also messengers of Spirit, inviting a wider audience to hear its truths, as evidenced in the current coronavirus.

Fascinating to watch how quickly the everyday mind restores itself following its rupture by knocks of the Spirit. In Piaget’s nomenclature, assimilation that refuses to accommodate the greater truth is not real adaptation. At best, it’s a temporary sand fortress, soon to be dissolved by the next wave.

Finally, Spirit offers the highest form of adventure. To ride honestly, with knowledge of our transience, and being respectful of our temporary home, while we simultaneously thoroughly take the journey of preparation for the next leap in our journey, is the true path of heart.

This is the call of our Spirit now, our true evolutionary destiny. And Spirit is an equal opportunity employer. All who turn to it in earnest are immediately hired, on a true mission from the Universe.



Heat wave reading!

The above link explains what is happening in the world environmentally and in terms of the utter disintegration of morals. From a rich Hindu understanding of cycles of time, what we are experiencing now is objective and far transcends the foolishness of blame, which is rampant in our world today. The year 2025, only 6 years away, represents the completion of the Kali Yuga age, the darkest period in human civilization that accompanies major environmental transitions on a planet wide level. What is rapidly changing is inevitable. We are at the completion of the darkest of dark times, which will be followed by a regenerated civilization, whose consciousness will move gradually toward a new Golden Age. This conception of cycles vastly contrasts with the notion of evolutionary progression as linear. From this cyclical perspective evolution progresses in a cycle that ultimately regresses. We are now at its lowest stage of regression. As the last placed 1960s Mets used to say: “The only place to go is up!” And voila! In 1969 the rock bottom Mets became the Miracle Mets, winning their first World Series.
Today, we celebrate the landing of the Apollo astronauts on the moon, 50 years ago in that miracle year of 1969, the same year that the Woodstock Music Festival forecasted a world of peace and love. So, don’t despair, the only place we have to go is up!

Chuck’s Place: Transition

Leaving the old…
– Photo by Chuck Ketchel

Artifacts of family life, tucked away in the attic for decades, came out for their final viewing. Dusted-off trophies glistened on the mantel. Pictures and paintings of yesteryear adorned the room. Artifacts of school years and family journeys were revisited, private diaries were revealed—some still holding too private moments to be shared. Laughter and tears abounded as the emotional energy of a family’s life was recapitulated, retrieved, and released. The next morning the room was bare, calmly awaiting its new life as it sent us all off in new  directions.

Don’t turn back or you’ll turn to stone, is the biblical guidance. Many a backache is such a stone, the weight of regret and obligation. Did we fulfill our archetypal parental duties well enough? The truth is that new archetypes have come into play now and, just as always, the challenge is to be fully present and living in the now of today, a rapidly changing world.

Humanity is being deeply humbled now as the planet continues its reformation. Surface politics merely reflects but hardly effects the tumultuous energies of transformation churning at our core. We are all sitting in the living room of our lives, viewing the artifacts of a world we must release, as we are birthed into new life.

Jan and I were blindsided by the call to Roberts Mountain, the call, dear Joseph Campbell, we dared not refuse. In turn, we have blindsided many with whom we have been energetically connected. In truth, the energy of our time is blindsiding us all and we are all challenged to find our way back to the Tao, the flow of the River Now.

Years ago, when Jeanne was at the height of her cancer journey, we conceived a business that would serve all peoples at anytime, any- where. We called it therapyanytime.com. The business required all remote contact, via internet and the crude cameras of that time. After marking that space of possibility, life and death called our energy elsewhere and we moved on.

Here we are today, moving to the home built by Skip Atwater, founder of army intelligence’s remote viewing program. Further, our practice must evolve into remote viewing in digital space. The dream Jeanne and I once conceived is unfolding now. All whom we are connected with are part of that dream, wherever we all land next.

I realize, of course, that the deeper thrust is into true energetic connection beyond digital support. This is where the Shaman’s world and Robert Monroe’s world converge, both having discovered that the next stage of our evolutionary potential is to be achieved through explorations of life in the energy body while still in human form.

Going to the new land…
– Photo by Chuck Ketchel

This is the post-materialistic world we are currently moving toward, as our Earth can no longer sustain the excess of our physical appetites.

In energetic life all things are possible, the adventures endlessly exciting, and the Earth dearly loved and respected.

Looking forward to continuing from the mountain, as we all move forward into new energetic life.

Peace and love always,


Soulbyte for Tuesday February 27, 2018

Who will bring peace to the world now? It must come from everyone, for all of you are part of the great movement of change and transition now underway. Keep peace in your heart, kindness on your tongue, and goodness at your fingertips even as you do the hard work of revealing the brutal truth, within and without. Let good be the most important force, with love and kindness its supporting energies. For without these sturdy attributes no solid base will be constructed. All must partake in creating a new reality now. Do it right. Do it well. Do it with love.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday May 23, 2017

Sometimes it’s just time to move on, to let go of that which is old, worn out, done with, to leave behind something that no longer holds an energy charge, to which you give your own energy to no avail. Sometimes it’s time to change yourself rather than trying to change someone else. You might not know that this is the case if you only notice others, if you only point out how others are and never look at yourself. Is it time to look inward at what needs to change about yourself for a change? Change, by its very name, implies movement, evolution, a turning from one state to another. Change is a natural fact of life. All things change. All things transform. Is it time?

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne