Tag Archives: the power of positive thinking

Soulbyte for Wednesday June 9, 2021

Watch what you say to yourself. Words are as powerful as thoughts, sending you off into catacombs of old ideas about the self, setting you up for depression, cycles of bad behavior and negativity. Suggest to yourself instead that you are beautiful today, smart, quick and light-footed, and that nothing will be an obstacle. Tell yourself that you are in the good hands of your caring guides, who love you, and that all is well. Give yourself powerful positive suggestions in words of wonder, and see that happens as you create your perfect day!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday June 3, 2021

When the mind begins to spin, telling you tales of worry and woe, when it speaks of disaster and intrigue, of sorrow and loss, when it tries to hook you into believing what it has to say, remind yourself that the mind in that case is but an old recording and that it does not have your best, evolutionary intentions in mind but only seeks to keep you its captive. A captive of the old mind is a lost soul. Instead of playing its old recordings switch it off and bask in the bliss of new ideas, new thoughts of positive and enchanting change, for change is good and it is what will ultimately set you free from the captivity of your old ways. And remember, use love for yourself as your fuel of change, for that too is the way to freedom.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte For Monday February 8, 2021

Let  your mind be calm, your body relaxed, your breath deep and cleansing as you wake up to a new day. Remind yourself that all is well, that your mind need not conjure, your body not stress, and your breath not labor because all is well. It is only the mind’s ideas that cause stress and tension, ideas that have no actual validity. Go about your day with a new emptiness and freedom, allowing yourself to smile, to breathe, and to think only positive thoughts and affirmations. Begin this way and see what happens, for you already know that the mind is your worst enemy. Make it now your best friend.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday October 27, 2020

Strengthen the mind with positive affirmations so that the voices of old may recede and without issue no longer hold sway. Remind the mind that there are other things to think about besides the old patterns of thought, that there is creativity and magic, that everything is possible. Remind the mind to turn away from that which is negative and harmful to that which is positive and healing. The mind is pliable and weak, but the spirit is strong and flexible. Leave the old mind behind and join the spirit’s cause, to bring you to a new level of profound mystery, within and without.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday August 5, 2020

Keep a positive attitude. Through thick and thin remain connected to an inner knowing that in the end all will be well. With a positive attitude that which is dark will always have a beam of light, small though it may be. That which appears impenetrable will have one pinpoint of hope. That which is endless will begin to show its finality. Keep a positive attitude and ride any storm with hope, good cheer, and the certain intent that all will be well, changed though it may be in the end. But remember too that change is good.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne