Tag Archives: spirit

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Stay Connected to a Higher Consciousness

Stay connected to a higher consciousness…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In our audio channeling this week we are encouraged to stay connected to our own inner knowing and not get too drawn to what’s happening outside of us.

Tap into the higher consciousness that is your own personal power. We all have it within us. Time to consciously tap into it and utilize it for our own good and the good of all. And stay calm.

Soulbyte for Wednesday February 13, 2019

Without regret realize that all things pass, all things change, all that exists in physical form, in time and space, is finite. And yet, with joy remember that spirit is infinite, transcendent, capable of change in many unseen ways. Remember that you are of much more than you ordinarily perceive, of spirit energy as well as body mass, and thus you are capable of the extraordinary. Keep all these things in mind as the world changes rapidly now. All things evolve, and that is what is underway, a great evolution of which you play a part, an important part, in your choices, your decisions, your actions. Get in alignment with change that is positive and thus regret will find no home in you. Let only joy permeate and accompany you now, for you know that all things evolve for a reason. And EVOLVE is the key word here, for nothing is lost, it has merely evolved.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday December 18, 2018

No matter what occurs stay connected to spirit. This is your main responsibility as an evolving being, for how can you evolve without this connection? It is your fuel, your source of energy. It is your knowing and your loving. It is your past, your present, and your future. It is your everything, your life and force and that which connects you to the greater whole. Stay connected to knowing all this, no matter what occurs to pull you from your path of heart. Spirit first!

From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: A Private Conversation

What goes high must come down… What towers above others must be leveled…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Greetings! In lieu of Monday’s audio channeling we decided to have a personal conversation between the three of us, Jan, Jeanne, and Chuck. We asked some personal questions but also universal ones, and Jeanne’s answers to all of them were highly universal and spirit oriented. We hope you enjoy listening!

Love to all, from all of us!