Tag Archives: self care

Chuck’s Place: The Heart Beats to the Intensity of Activation

Heart centeredness…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

 We live in a time that many have identified as one of quickening. The impact of such fevered evolutionary activity on the central nervous system (CNS) is quite palpable in the form of heightened anxiety and quickened escalation to panic. The heart beats to this intensity of activation. 

Underneath the energetic impact of our times is our innate temperament. The genetics which inform the inborn settings of our CNS greatly impact our innate resilience to stress. Thus, an inheritance of ancestral trauma can program our CNS to approach life with constant   vigilance. The heart beats to this intensity of activation.

In addition to inheritance is the impact of many experiences post-conception that are regulated by the subconscious mind. To assure survival and balance the subconscious might split off and store these unprocessed experiences in the body and shadow regions of the psyche. These splintered complexes form autonomous mini-psyches that occasionally are triggered and disrupt ego functioning. The heart beats to the intensity of  their activation.

Whether the source of activation be engrained habit or triggered complex is immaterial, the result manifests physically in the tempo of the beating heart. The challenge is to reset the CNS in order to find calm.

Psychopharmocology approaches this task with chemicals that both enhance or block the influence of hormones and neurotransmitters, whereby exerting regulation upon the CNS and the beating of the heart. This might be viewed as a material intervention to influence the physical body and, secondarily, the mind or spirit, which finds peace in a calmed body.

Heart centered breathing brings consciousness directly to the heart and can reset its rhythm to homogenize with the pace of the breath. Focus upon the breath also screens out activating thoughts through mindful presence with the heart center. Yogic pranayama breathing, as a regular practice, develops greater conscious control over the CNS. 

When we breathe with awareness the mind shuts off thinking. Conscious breathing is the mind exerting direct influence over the CNS. Psychotherapy offers another integrated mind body approach to CNS regulation through the processing of complexes and strengthening of control of the mind over itself.

Meditation and neurofeedback address CNS regulation at the most subtle dimension. In the stillness of inner focus one encounters the impact of complexes and habits, each vying for attention with stories and feelings, and notices their impact upon the heart. Release of attachment to these stories and feelings, while traveling deeper into the quiet dimensions of the soul, brings the CNS to utter calm. Sustained practice affords everyday life a modicum of detachment from the storm and stress of life in human form.

Finally, repetitive mantra, prayer or intention directly instructs the subconscious, the mind body center that automatically controls the CNS.

With sustained practice these programs can be altered through conscious effort. Of course, deep resetting of the CNS will take time and may require a combination of the practices outlined above.

And though the heart will always beat to the intensity of its activation, activation can be greatly transformed through mental practice. And mind you, all mental practice issues from the province of the soul. 




Soulbyte for Tuesday August 10, 2021

It is well and good to have intentions to change the self. No matter how sincere, however, if discipline is not applied those intentions will not move far in a positive direction. Combine your new intentions to change with a good dose of discipline and you will make the progress you so desire. Do not see discipline as a hardship but as a joy,  a new way of life that is positive and life-affirming and your acts of discipline will soon become the new norm. It’s not that hard to change if the right steps are taken. One step at a time in a new direction will invariably lead you down a new road to new life.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday July 28, 2021

Watch your energy. Keep it well protected from outside forces that seek to utilize it for their own intentions. Instead, be mindful of what you are choosing to do each day, where you put your attention, and what you are asking for. Not everything you think you want is good for you. Far better to stay contained within the self, calm and contented, and let yourself be guided to what is right. There is plenty of good surrounding you that will show you the way without you having to do more than ask to be guided properly. Then wait. Act only when the time is right. In this manner save your energy for when you really need it, and in the meantime remain calm.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday May 26, 2021

No blame. Hold yourself accountable for your choices and decisions made on a daily basis, for even if someone once hurt you that is no reason to hurt yourself. Make good choices and decisions so that you may rise above your pain and resolve the issues that cause you despair, for it is only in healing the self that self-destruction may no longer dominate. You are your own healer and hold the keys to your healing. Seek the help you need but do the work within that will resolve your issues without. And remember, your loving spirit is always there to accompany you on your healing journey when you are ready.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday November 10, 2020

No matter who you are or what is going on in your life there are protectors and guides watching over you. You may not feel or see them but they are there, keeping your best interests in mind. Tap into them by asking for help and guidance, for them to show you where to go next and what decisions to make, especially when the way seems unclear. You are being watched over, loved and cared for in more ways than you know. Accept this fact with innocence and loving kindness in your heart and learn to trust that it is so, for that is the greatest gift you could give yourself, the trust in something greater that truly does have your best interests in mind at all times. With gratitude and openness, trust in that!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne