Tag Archives: path of heart

Soulbyte for Thursday September 19, 2019

Practice calmness so that it becomes your new normal. Turn away from roaming thoughts and destructive ideas and constantly return to your path of heart. Silence the machinations of the mind, which seek to overpower you, and give yourself a verbal command to return to calmness within. Breathe and remind yourself that you are okay, that you are fully capable of everything you set out to do, that your path is clear. Tell yourself to just keep going. Pretty soon things will be clearer still, the mind calmer than ever, and your ability to achieve calmness within will be a cinch. Practice makes perfect.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday September 18, 2019

There are no certainties in life, no guarantees, no predictable outcomes, and yet there are plenty of signs along the way to guide one’s journey, to lead one through thick and thin, to help one overcome the hardships that naturally accompany a well-lived life. For indeed, a well-lived life is just that because of the adventures taken, the issues encountered, and the uncertainties forged through. The signs and guidance that come may be ignored, may not even be noticed, for many are unaware, but once tapped into, often in a moment of despair or trauma, can be sources of comfort and great help. Remain aware. Keep your heart in alignment with the knowledge that each moment is a gift. Keep upon your path of heart, looking all around you for those signs that intersect with your energy every day. They are there. And with love and gratitude accept them and carry on.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday September 13, 2019

Remain contained in calm energy, surrounded and imbued with your own calm intent to remain upon your path with heart. Not all paths have heart, though they may be appropriate for a time; the path of duty, the path of caring for others, the path of learning, the path of giving; but even those paths can be imbued with calmness and heart. One’s real path of heart, however, is often an inner experience, the path taken with intent that has no rival; the path of personal certainty, the path one knows is always right, a path of inner bliss. Let your path of heart unfold, one day and one step at a time. Keep your intent strong and focused and all will be well.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday September 10, 2019

An impeccable warrior continues on a path of heart no matter what, striving always to stay contained, energetically, saving energy for what is most important, curtailing wants and desires, avoiding sloppy behaviors. An impeccable warrior strives always to hone skills, to perfect that which is sought, and yet an impeccable warrior does not attach too much importance to anything but seeks to be always in balance, aware of the truth that when in balance all will be well, within and without. An impeccable warrior knows when enough is enough. But most of all, an impeccable warrior uses the energy of love as a guide, as the balancer, and as the natural path, for an impeccable warrior knows that love is what matters.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday September 4, 2019

Stay committed to your path of heart no matter what daily occurrence comes to challenge you. Life is long. Life is complicated. And yet, life is forgiving. With gratitude, step out onto your path of heart again and again, knowing that you have taken the right direction, knowing that by your heart’s intent you are being guided, and knowing that all will be well in the end. All will be well.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne