Tag Archives: path of heart

Soulbyte for Wednesday November 13, 2019

Make choices that are healthy, consistent, manageable, and practical. Make choices that will indeed change you in positive ways. Make choices that will challenge you, but make them for reasons that are personally right, interesting, and sound. Make choices to change yourself into who you truly are. Work through your karma from previous lives, brought over to resolve in this one, and work through your current issues too, your regrets, entitlements, and resentments so that you are truly freed of all encumbrances. Seek to know and understand yourself, fully and deeply, so you can figure out why you do certain things that are harmful, withholding, punishing, or downright dangerous. Accept who you now are, but choose to change yourself too so that you may evolve. Choose a new path of healing, inner and outer, in alignment with your heart’s path of knowledge and adventure so that your life may now unfold in a new and more balanced, enlightening way. With loving kindness for yourself and the journey you have traveled thus far, make a choice today that will be the first step of many to come on a new voyage to a changed and evolved you. You won’t regret it!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday November 12, 2019

It’s very simple. You are comprised of two selves that constantly seek your attention, your physical self and your spiritual self. They are responsible for everything that plagues you. Get to know them; what they want, what they need, what they lack, and what overwhelms them. Get in alignment with them so they are in alignment with each other and so that you are in harmony, with your two sides of yourself naturally aware of each other, respectful of each other, and most of all, at ease in life together. You can do nothing better for yourself than to acknowledge and know these two sides of the self as fully as possible and bring them together. It is your ultimate human goal and where all your potential lies. It is your true path of heart.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: The Power of the Human Spirit

A Path of Heart is always magical…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Dear Listeners,

In our audio channeling this week we are invited to connect more fully with our spirit energy and to use it to our advantage. When it’s time to advance on our journeys there is no better companion!

Sending love and wishing you all well as you travel your path of heart,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday November 11, 2019

A new day has arrived! Take advantage of the opportunity to begin anew, filled with the energy of this moment that has come to offer you its energy and promise. With respect for your journey thus far, and with anticipation of change that is good and fulfilling, set your intent, and with patience move toward your goal, one more day and one more step at a time. And when you have reached that goal set another one. That is how to greet each new day with anticipation and excitement. That is how to live a life of wonder. A warrior always finds the beauty and the promise in each new day and, with renewed interest and unbending intent, travels always a path with heart.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday November 6, 2019

Be open hearted, open minded, and open to all that seeks to teach you. There are many lessons to learn and many ways to learn them. How your personal lessons come to you are unique. Pay attention to your body and what it tells you. Pay attention to your heart and what it says to you. Pay attention to your dreams as they seek to guide you. You are fully equipped with so much and you are supported in so may ways by all that you are, body, mind, heart, spirit. The first step is to know this, the second to listen, the third to take seriously all that you yourself have within you that shows you your healing path, your path to knowledge, and your path of heart. You are complete, filled to the brim with all you need. You are enough.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne