Tag Archives: mind body spirit

Soulbyte for Wednesday February 2, 2022

When things change and times get tough it’s not time to stagnate but instead time to activate mind, body and spirit to get in alignment with the changes that tough times bring. Rather than sit quietly and stew about what once was, it’s far better to ask: “What am I being prompted to do?” “What is my spirit asking of me?” “What new path am I being encouraged to go down now that things are different?” When change comes it’s time to embrace the change and look ahead to new life. If the body gets thirsty, you give it water. Why then do you hesitate when the spirit calls out for change as strongly as the body calls out for water? It’s only natural.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday August 19, 2021

Calm the body, calm the mind, and let the heart be open to give and receive, for it is the heart that is the great core of energy within the self that can act in the world for the greater good, if you learn to use it as a transmitter of love. Love is healing energy, for self and other. In calmness of body and mind, let your heart do its thing. Be loving and generous, and compassion will find its way into the world once again.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday December 29, 2020

Find stability. In times of chaos a stable mind, body, and spirit will bring the needed balance. No matter what is going on outside of you bring your inner self into calm balance and alignment with a higher purpose, for it is everyone’s job to grow and evolve from a child to an adult, from unknowing to knowing, from fear to fearlessness, from selfishness to selflessness. It is the job of everyone to learn to love, to give, and to aid in the evolution of the planet, as well as humanity. Do it with stability of mind, body, and spirit, so that your journey of evolution may proceed without issue and so that love may flow through you, within and without.

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne