Tag Archives: love

Soulbyte for Wednesday January 13, 2021

Hold steady in times of stress, letting go of worry and fear. Remain in the good energy of knowing that all things pass and that with hearts centered on the good there is always a chance for justice and peace to prevail. Rather than attack, go inward, and with great restraint tend to the issues of the world within the self, for if you are in a calm state, calmness may reassert itself. If you are in a loving place, love may find its way to the rest of the world too. Remain steady and innerly calm no matter what happens. That is your path of heart for this moment in time.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Gasp, Then Segue

– Photo by Chuck Ketchel

The gushing river, hammered with thunderous rain, topples the restraining power of its dikes, flooding the lands it borders. We gasp at the breakthrough of this violent release.

As the I Ching points out, in the hexagram of Breakthrough (#43), this release is the consequence of a long period of accumulated tension, such as in that of a cloudburst that results from an extended accumulation of condensation in a cloud that can no longer bear the weight of the water it holds.

That tension was released, on the one side, by those who felt it their patriotic duty to storm the Capital. From the other side, the release took the form of vindication: yes, they had indeed been living under the tyranny of a despot. Those tense energies have climaxed simultaneously, as we approach the end of one era and the dawn of a new. We are now in the time of Segue.

As Bob Monroe wrote in his book, Far Journeys:

“…’segue‘  is defined as a proper interlude of musical melodies and harmonies that moves from the conclusion of one composition to the introduction of another. ‘Proper’ infers a transition that smoothly loses that previous theme or mood and sets the stage for what is to come.” (p. 63)

How now will we compose our segue?

The I Ching states that the facts must be announced truthfully. There is danger, but it does not favor one to take up arms. Nonetheless, the I Ching states:  “Even if only one inferior man is occupying a ruling position in a city, he is able to oppress superior men.”

That kind of power must be checked.

On an individual level we are guided to address any passion still lurking in the heart that would obscure reason. Passion and reason cannot coexist, therefore the true fight is to unseat the passion so that good might prevail. If we allow ourselves to indulge in the fires of rage, from any side, we risk devolving a peaceful segue into total conflagration.

There is no compromise with evil; it must be openly discredited. This includes an objective assessment of our own passions and shortcomings. Nonetheless, it is not wise to fight evil with proactive aggression, as this would only enflame its impulse and likely infect the good with evil, as it regresses into rageful reaction.

Perhaps the best segue the I Ching can offer, from the time of Breakthrough, is to shift the composition to one of making energetic progress in the good. The flames of evil require the kindling of negativity to continue to burn. A positive, loving attitude that embraces the opportunity for energetic progress in the good can unify a nation, and a world, that the common good may finally prevail.

Segue to love,


Soulbyte for Friday January 1, 2021

A symbolic day in time and space, the first day of a new year suggests new beginnings, new life, new pacts, new directions. Begin anew with a positive intent to be more kind and loving first of all, to self and other, to be open to what may come, all the possibilities that are possible, all the changes that will present. Take each day calmly and with patience, asking the self to remain as committed to a new way of life each day forth as you are on this first day. Let love always be your guide as you travel your path of heart toward your innocence and your highest self. Happy New Year!

Sending you all love and best wishes for a wonderful New Year,

The Soul Sisters, Jan and Jeanne, and Chuck too!

Soulbyte for Thursday December 31, 2020

Choices matter. The attitude you adopt matters. What you believe matters. How you decide to view the world matters. All of these things are changeable. Each new day choices are available, new attitudes are possible, and the opportunity to view the world in a different way presents itself. Choose a path of heart, be optimistic for a change, view the world as a beautiful, loving and caring environment in which to live. Influence yourself for a change, with new ideas, and see what happens. Begin with love in your heart for yourself first and take it from there. You can’t go wrong with love as your guide.

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday December 30, 2020

When a thing is done it cannot be undone, but if everything is a lesson then learn by what has transpired to make better decisions in the future. Proceed with a clear mind, unburdened of regret and sadness, and make new choices in alignment with your evolving spirit rather than in attachment to things, desires, and unnecessary wants. Plan your future according to the love principle that says love is the answer. How can you turn your corner of the world into a more loving place? How can you grow love so that it prospers? How can you be the most loving being possible? These are the questions to ask yourself now. This is your future.

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne