Tag Archives: life as a meaningful journey

The Execution of Lisa Montgomery: Contemplation of a Soul’s Journey

I woke up at 1:11 AM. I wondered at the significance of the time, often described as a divine sign. What did it mean? Something must be going on in the world, I thought. I am often struck by how something as simple as waking up and looking at the clock in the middle of the night has deeper meaning.

I was not surprised to read the news this morning that between the hour of 1 and 1:38 AM a woman was being executed on death row, and not just any woman but a woman who had suffered debilitating sexual abuse that had led her on a sadly devolving journey. She had committed a horrendous murder and was serving time in prison for that murder, but her story is an example of so many stories, stories that are never told, never exposed and never contemplated. Many people, women especially, have been sexually abused, but you would never know it because they will never mention it. In polite society, we prefer not to talk about sexual abuse.

One of the reasons I wrote The Recapitulation Diaries was to bring the topic to the table, in explicit detail, for how can we ever heal as a society if we do not talk about the dark side of society? How can we leave the children of sexual abuse to carry the dark secret but not deal with it ourselves?

As a child of sexual abuse, I know intimately some of the things that Lisa Montgomery endured and suffered. I have personally heard the stories of other people who have been sexually abused. There are as many stories as there are people, one story worse than the next. As a spiritual person, and after many years of work on myself to heal from the trauma of sexual abuse, I look for deeper meaning, in both a person’s life and a person’s soul journey.

We are all on a journey of the soul. I didn’t know this myself until I recapitulated what had happened to me in childhood and began to see a bigger picture, to understand that my journey through life was a learning process so that my soul could evolve. Some of us have come into this world with great challenges to face because we are prepared to take them on, because our soul decided that it could handle it. There is a part of me that always says, “I can handle anything!” I believe it’s that part of me that decided it could take on the life I am now living. Had I failed at the task I set for myself this time around, I’m sure I’d give it another go in the next life.

Perhaps Lisa Montgomery’s soul decided it could handle the life she lived too. Perhaps she learned great things in her lifetime that have advanced her on her soul’s journey; only she will know for sure. But if Lisa Montgomery’s life is to be an example for the rest of us, we have to ask the question: What are we to learn from the life of Lisa Montgomery?

Her story brings us back to the subject of sexual abuse. Her life story points out to us all that we have forgotten something, that we have let too many people suffer the consequences of a society that won’t face its dark side. We let others carry the burden of the dark secrets of our collective soul.

The tragic unfolding of Lisa Montgomery’s life spread a wide net, for it also had tragic repercussions for other’s, especially for the family of the young woman she murdered, the child she kidnapped, and all the members of that extended family. If we are to make sense of this tragedy we must look to ourselves for answers.

If we are to learn anything from Lisa Montgomery’s life it is that the subject of sexual abuse must not be put back under the table. Is her story even still news today? How many more children must suffer a lifetime of traumatic repercussions because their stories are not stories suitable to talk about?

Are we going to let the children of sexual abuse continue to bear the burden of the dark side of humanity? Are we going to face our own life challenges head on, with a bigger picture in mind, so that we may become contributing members of a society that refuses to sweep the disturbing parts of being human under the table?

May Lisa Montgomery’s journey show us a new path to healing, for all of us, but especially for those like her, the children of sexual abuse.

Sending love,

J. E. Ketchel, Author of The Recapitulation Diaries

Recapitulation & Higher Attunement

The real lesson of trauma is not that it grants us leave to be victims to be compensated, or survivors to be admired, but that it offers us a gateway to experiences of our Higher Self, offering us a way to experiences of our true nature as energy. Every bad memory is a doorway to accessing the lessons learned during our traumatic experiences, for indeed there is a lesson of Higher Consciousness in everything. Our journey through trauma has the potential to show us the way to achieving that state of Higher Consciousness on a more regular basis.

Recapitulation is about aligning with spirit and getting attuned to its potential, now, in a conscious state, rather than in the unconscious state of trauma. This is what all my books are about, recognizing life as a journey to higher attunement. Recapitulation is about taking the conscious journey to getting there, from dissociation from spirit to union with spirit. No matter the vehicle or method that gets us there, it’s what we’re all seeking, conscious union with our wholeness, the powerful spirit energy that we are.

Are we lucky? That which once made us a victim or a survivor has the greater potential, if we dare take it to the next level, to catapult us far beyond ordinary reality and ordinary states of consciousness. In recapitulation we learn how to do this with awareness. What once happened to us in a dissociated state now has the potential to teach us what we are truly capable of. How did we survive the horrific things that happened to us? Were we just the lucky ones? The answers all lie within us.

In recapitulating, in facing our fears and going beyond the defenses that have kept us safe and protected, we offer ourselves the gateway to our personal truths but also to attunement with our personal Higher Self, our state of Higher Consciousness, our true state of energy, light, and wisdom. It’s a journey not for the faint of heart but for the true warrior that lies within. And of course you have that warrior inside of you, it’s what kept you alive and still does!

Sending  you love and wishing you well on your journey to wholeness,


J. E. Ketchel, Author of The Recapitulation Diaries

Soulbyte for Wednesday December 2, 2020

Though you may often feel alone,  you are not alone, for you are supported, protected and loved by unseen forces, by beings who wish only the best for you. Though not aware of these beings, they care deeply about you, about your life and your progress, about your decisions and choices. They long for you to know them and yet they do not judge or condemn you for your lack of knowledge of them. They only love you the more. Get to know them by reaching out, by speaking to them and asking for their guidance. They will respond. Make this your new practice; each day, ask and you will receive.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday July 20, 2020

Time for a power shift. There will be little lasting change in the outer world if there is not honest and truthful change within the self. Each individual is charged with finding the light within and exploring the darkness there, that which is the unknown self. In so doing, the beauty and the truth will eventually emerge, that which is unknown will become known, and the fear, hatred, and anger now so powerfully prevalent will dissipate and become null. Only the love will have power and you can’t go wrong with love. Let the love have the power.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne