Tag Archives: change

Soulbyte for Thursday February 18, 2021

Enact change through engaging the intent of your Higher Self, the knowledge that you are more than physical matter, and the truth that you are fully capable of all that you intend. When these three truths of the Self are engaged in enacting change a positive outcome is more likely, but the most important aspect of the Higher Self is love. So don’t forget to practice loving kindness in everything you do, for Self and other. With love everything is possible.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: The Value of the Petty Tyrant

Is that even possible?
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

A central feature of shamanic technology is the  use of a petty tyrant for the purpose of growth. In The Fire From Within, Don Juan Matus defines a petty tyrant for his apprentice, Carlos Castaneda: “A petty tyrant is a tormentor… someone who either holds the power of life and death over warriors or simply annoys them to distraction.”

From a shamanic perspective, the more ruthless the tyrant the greater its potency. The tyrant disrupts any attachment one might have to moral fairness as an inalienable right and resting place.

The benefit of such disruption is to obtain access to a more expansive plane of consciousness better suited to navigating the greater reality of infinity. If we remain too fixed in our entitlement for a fair and reasonable universe, we remain unschooled in the ways of a predatory universe. The greatest predator of all is the irrational within ourselves that refuses to be tamed.

On a lighter note, the tyrant can be found in a Freudian slip, where we are tricked into revealing the irreverent side of our own judging nature. Though we hide behind a well-crafted persona, the trickster makes us cringe in shame as we inadvertently expose our true feelings. That trickster is the petty tyrant tormentor that resides within ourselves. How will we ever become whole beings if we disavow the Id of the Freudian unconscious?

If we can allow ourselves to laugh at our leveled ego, releasing the chains of a bruised self-presentation, then we will have passed the tyrant’s test. The tyrant truly helps us to get beyond the limitations of self-pity and self-importance that so limit our growth.

Petty tyrants also show up daily in our outer world lives, via the law of attraction. We actually, unknowingly, attract those individuals who frustrate and torment us, as an outer means to grow beyond the trap of feeling sorry for ourselves in our seeming powerlessness.

The key to the tyrant’s technique is cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance occurs when the mind is confronted with two seemingly irreconcilable opposites. For instance, someone who truly helps and cares for you, suddenly stabbing you in the back. These contradictory behaviors simply do not compute in the mind, and cause disbelief and disorientation.

Emotionally, such cognitive dissonance leads to anger, sadness and depression. The task is to depersonalize the contradictory behavior and accept the pure truth presented: the reality you believed to be true, and the emotional attachment you had to that illusion must be released. You have entered a new reality through acceptance of the real truth presented.

To be able to be thankful to a ruthless, irreverent tyrant, who renders you a victim, is the resolution of two distinctly opposing experiences with the same person. The ability to reach such resolution frees one from the necessity of clinging to the safety of a predictable and fair universe. The key is in always being able to ultimately find love and laughter in whatever we are presented with. If we take ourselves too seriously, we burden ourselves with expectations that hamper our fluidity.

The fact is that coming into a life on planet Earth implies that we made the decision to do a tour with the petty tyrant. The greatest tyrant on Earth is death itself. After all the work we do to attach to loved ones and  accomplish our Earthly roles, we are then forced to relinquish it all upon physical death. This hidden fact makes us all victims  of human life.

In our advanced rational and technological age, belief in life beyond the physical body is largely rhetoric. Our obsession with the physical, as the only provable reality, casts a huge shadow of doubt over an afterlife. Frequently, it is the blow of the petty tyrant that opens the gates to life beyond the physical body.

Trauma is the blow of the petty tyrant. Trauma is cognitive dissonance. In trauma our precious hold on predictable reality is shattered by events that break all the rules yet introduce us to a deeper truth. And that truth is that everything is possible, even the unthinkable. If we can flow with that knowing, we need not cling to the illusion of guaranteed safety.

Of course, by one standard this rupture is unfair and deplorable, yet the jolt to the security of the known and predictable is the ticket to the discovery of heretofore unknown dimensions of the self. Most significant is the discovery of the self that lives outside the limits of the physical body; the body will die in time space but this self will live on.

From this place, the tyrant, though still reprehensible from one perspective, is met as the teacher, the initiator into greater reality. Of necessity, the tyrant’s blow makes us dissociative victims. And make no mistake about it, that blow is lethal.

Nonetheless, if we can take the journey to resolve the cognitive dissonance we are presented with, we advance freely into advanced consciousness and our fuller potential in the energetic dimension of our being. This is the greatest value offered by the petty tyrants who disrupt the comfort of our lives.

Of course, there are many stages, filled with many tasks to complete before we can arrive at the knowing that the petty tyrant is our chosen and necessary teacher. That knowing is the crowning realization of a completed recapitulation of a life, and lifetimes, that honed the sobriety, fluidity and analytic ability to come home to the fullness of self.

Be accepting of wherever you are on that journey. All roads lead to home.

There’s no place like home,


Soulbyte For Friday February 12, 2021

Another day in Earth School brings you one day further into awareness of your true self, if you care to know this true self, and if you care to see and understand life as an evolving journey, as your chance to grow. Are you ready to discover all that you truly are? To experience life in a new way? Welcome to Earth School! It’s not your first day by any means, but it may be the first day of school where you are fully awake, so pay attention to everything that happens. Learning will happen as you remain awake and alert, as you figure out what you’re doing there and as you decide the best courses of action to take. It’s up to you. Welcome to a new day in Earth School!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte For Thursday February 11, 2021

Let not disappointment overshadow your progress. Learn to let go of that which does not aid you on your journey of change. For that which is no longer useful or helpful will slow down the trajectory of change that you have worked so hard for. Clear your path daily. Make way for what is most important. Keep your eye on the intent of the day. And with your mind calm and your heart focused on what is good, honest, and truly right, move onward. And don’t forget to keep your joy up. It is the positive fuel that will carry you along on your path of heart and keep you at your best!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte For Wednesday February 10, 2021

It’s a new day with new opportunities, new energy, new possibilities. Shift out of the old and into the new with intent, fully aware that it is time for change. It is time to take a leap, to send the self in a new, more positive direction. Take responsibility for the self, within and without. For indeed, only you are responsible for you, for how you think and act, and how you treat others. Make an assessment of the self and decide the best course of action. For even as you see that the world should change so do you know you should too. It’s time to make things better. Even just a small shift in attitude will begin the journey of change that you so need and desire. Step one: begin!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne