Tag Archives: change

Soulbyte for Monday March 1, 2021

Being responsible means taking full responsibility for the self, for choices made, even the most harmful and self-effacing, even those made in concert with another, for in the end, if a choice effects you it’s up to you to own it and resolve it. Being fully responsible for the self may mean rethinking choices and deciding to go in a new direction, or it may mean hunkering down and making the most of any given situation that still has merit. In the end, however, responsibility comes without blame or shame but full ownership if it is to be a truly fulfilling, honest and mature responsibility that is going to help you evolve. For in taking responsibility for your part in life’s activities you truly do grow and evolve.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday February 26, 2021

Reset your intentions, your hopes and your dreams each morning. Breathe in the first light of dawn and breathe out the darkness of the night. Breathe in your conscious awake mind and breathe out your unconscious asleep mind. Stir your heart with each breath in, awakening your love, compassion and kindness, breathing out your fears, disappointments and losses. Fill your mind with new dreams, with positive affirmations, and an attitude of determination. Begin each day anew in a new way and reach out for what you desire now in this life you are in. Everything is within reach.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday February 24, 2021

Be your own agent of change. Find what it takes to attract what you want or to let go of that which no longer serves you. You have the power to do anything. Use your intent, ask for help, and point yourself in a new direction. Keep in mind that you are an energetic being and as a being of energy you have the power to manipulate that energy. And don’t forget what every energetic being knows: that everything is possible!

Sending  you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday February 23, 2021

It’s never too late. Change happens constantly, from minute to minute and day to day. Nature is a perfect example of how quickly change happens. Notice how quickly clouds form, how the wind kicks up, how the grass grows and a flower blooms. Don’t lose hope. Keep change in your heart and with a positive approach to life instill your hopes and dreams with change in every breath you breathe, keeping in mind the truth that change is happening all the time. Why not jump on the bandwagon? With intent, determination and right action bring the change you so desire into your own life. It’s really up to you.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday February 22, 2021

Change comes when you question your beliefs, when you challenge the status quo, when you break with old ideas and begin a new journey, when you are ready to be more open to the possibility that beyond beliefs, status quo and old ideas lies something else, something new and exciting. Change comes when you are ready but also when you instigate it because you are bored, unhappy or simply can’t take another day of life as it is. Let change into your life the same way you let fresh air into a room by opening a window. Without fear, sadness or regret let change in so that life may once again be exciting and fulfilling. Let change show you all that is possible and all that you are capable of. Within and without, change is good.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne