A Message for Humanity From Jeanne: Become Who You Truly Are

The sky’s the limit!
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In our audio channeled message today we are prodded to truly become who we are, to let go of perceived limitations and old ideas of ourselves and enter into life in a new way, as our true selves. This is possible every day, even if only in little steps.

To change is our personal challenge as much as it is the world’s challenge. And we are the only ones who can truly change ourselves. Do so without fear. Become who you are truly meant to be.

Sending you love and encouragement,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday February 10, 2020

Think for yourself. Think outside the box, beyond the expectations of the few, taking advice from the realm few venture into. Learn what it means to think from your heart, to make decisions from your heart center, your true place of decision making. Learn to think from the self that knows more than you imagine, the part of you connected to all that is, to the greater purpose and meaning of life and to the greater good. Change how you think and you will surely change your life. Learn to think with love.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday February 7, 2020

A warrior does not allow negativity to overshadow a path with heart. A warrior stays positive and innerly alert to any tugs of self-importance—feeling offended, taking things personally, or finding fault with the way things are going—because a warrior knows that nothing is personal. Self-importance is just a sign that something needs to be addressed so that vital energy is not lost in issues of no real value. A warrior self-examines for energy drains and makes sure no energy is wasted. A warrior does this with laughter not sorrow, with delight not pain, with happiness not regret, moving on freer and more determined to walk the path with heart, the only path worth taking.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday February 6, 2020

Maintain your own good values, your own true reality, even as the world around you loses its fixation on what is right and prosperous, and for the greater good of all. Do not let the actions of a few undermine the hearts of the many. Remain on the path of light and love, no matter what prevails, for light and love will always be the right answer.

Sending you light and love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

The Usher

When we are ready to recapitulate traumatic memories, the Usher comes, inviting us to take the journey back into our most profound experiences in life.

I first experienced the Usher back in 2001 when I was baking cookies for my kids’ lunches. I was hit with such an insight that I fell to the kitchen floor gasping for breath, for it felt as if what had flashed before my eyes had simultaneously knocked the breath out of me.

The Usher came many times during my recapitulation, reminding me to stay the course, reminding me that recapitulation is the portal to freedom, and that the only means by which I was going to gain my freedom was to fully recapitulate everything that had happened to me as a child, and everything that had happened subsequent to that time, as I strove to maintain sanity and stability in a world that I had always experienced as all too unstable.

I learned to let the Usher in, to open the door and pay attention to what was being shown to me, knowing that it was the next step on my journey toward wholeness. With nerves of steel, with unbending intent, and with as much sobriety and stability as I could muster, I faced my past, what my abuser had done to me, and what my child self had formulated in order to survive.

I learned, through the recapitulation process, that freedom would never be mine if I did not recall, relive, and release everything from my past. I worked on my recapitulation for three years, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. At the same time I was raising my two children, working as a freelance artist and writer, running a gallery and faux finish painting business, even teaching painting classes for a time, while also deeply engaged in my local arts community. Somehow I found within me the strength and courage to do all those things while facing some pretty horrific events from my past.

It was the most painful period of my life, but it was what set me free. In doing my recapitulation, I believe I also set my own children free, for I was intent that they would not carry forth into their own lives my depression, my fears, my defenses, or my judgments. It was just as important to free them of the old me as it was for me to free myself of the old me. I wanted freedom for myself, but I also wanted it for them.

At the same time, however, full integration of the old me was part of the healing journey. I had to learn to love every part of myself, fully, and allow every aspect of who I had been come along on my changing journey. In the end, I was only going to be allowed to move forward into new life if I could accomplish the feat of becoming a fully integrated, whole being. It was a most humbling and most stupendous journey.

I am grateful for every step of that three-year-long journey, and for what I learned during that time. My books document that time in my life and all the things I learned about our fuller capabilities as beings of energy. It was during that time that I was taught how to be a channel, how to trust what I was hearing and seeing and experiencing, and how to integrate my spirit into my life along with all the other parts of myself.

When the Usher shows up, I wish that you too may have the strength and courage to take your own recapitulation journey, for it truly is the path to freedom, and your true path of heart. Wishing you all the best!

Sending you love,

J. E. Ketchel

Author of The Recapitulation Diaries