Soulbyte for Tuesday November 19, 2019

Remember to stay physically grounded. Look at your feet to remind yourself to do this, feeling the earth beneath you, feeling yourself in your body. Maintain body awareness for health and vitality, taking care of yourself so that your inner energy is maintained along with your looks that you care so much about, along with your clothes that you keep so nice, along with your hair that you groom. What is inside, and how well kept all that you cannot see is, is just as important as all that you see and present on the outside. Staying grounded by looking at your feet will remind you of how you feel on the inside. It will remind you to make adjustments, to make right what is not right so that you are vitally alive and well, within and without, from the feet up!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Breathe

Whether inside or outside, don’t forget to breathe!
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Dear Listeners,

Good morning! Our channeled message this week invites us to learn to breathe for our own health, mental and physical. Learn to breathe. It’s the power we all hold within, our life force that when used intentionally supports us beyond measure. Instructions for how to do this to great effect are included in the channeling. Breathe!

Have a wonderful week!

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday November 18, 2019

Tend to what needs tending. You know what that is. Don’t neglect yourself. There is no time to be lazy, indolent, or careless. There is only time to perfect your human life so that you may advance. Take advantage of the times you live in, of the energy that abounds, to work on yourself, to hone your skills, to learn how to dream, how to be soundly human with loving kindness in your heart, how to perfect your physical body so that you have the energy and the power to do all that you wish to accomplish. It’s up to you to take care of yourself, but there is also plenty of support for all that you wish for, within and without. Helpers abound. Stay on your path of heart, ask for guidance, and with your intentions uppermost in your mind pursue your goals. There is no time like the present to envision the future.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday November 15, 2019

Don’t give up. Change takes time. Its incremental creep may at times seem nonexistent, but something got started the moment a decision was made; something got implanted that won’t go away. Like a sharp needle it pokes and reminds, sticks and jabs at the most important times and will not be forgotten. There comes a time when acquiescence is the only strategy, and acquiescence to change means giving up the old ways and finally letting change have its way. In that moment change will finally take its rightful place, as inevitable, as so right, and as the one and only answer. Let change itself show you the way. You know what that means. You just have to accept its inevitability and throw yourself wholeheartedly into its arms. Once you do that you will never look back. Like a warrior you will travel forward with only unbending intent prodding you onward.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday November 14, 2019

Stand your ground. With unbending intent pursue your goals. No matter what comes to thwart your progress face it with equal unbending intent, and without attachment watch it shirk away. Unbending intent faces anything without flagging because unbending intent knows that the outcome is freedom and that freedom is all that matters. Pursue your own freedom with unbending intent and all will truly be well. With gratitude for your life and all of your challenges, journey on with unbending intent.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne