Tag Archives: Tao

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Time & Change


C is for change!
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Well, Daylight Savings Time is upon us once again and we all have to adjust to the challenge of this sudden change. Today’s audio channeling asks us to face more than just this kind of change, but to face what is happening within ourselves at all times. Jeanne poses some tough questions in her message today. Good luck as you get in alignment with these changing times and with the changes within yourself!

Have a wonderful week!

Soulbyte for Monday March 12, 2018

At all times remain aware of yourself as body and soul, as physical and spiritual, as more than just what you see and feel, for there is another part of yourself, your spirit, your ether. This is the part of you that knows everything and that knows everything is possible, for it lives in the realm of all possibility. Embrace this spiritual self and get to know it. Even as you attempt to perfect your physical self find this spiritual self perfect as it is. This is the real you who does not judge but only wants you to be happy in its company. It is with you at all times, ready to receive you just as you are. Are you ready?

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday February 28, 2018

Hold yourself accountable for what you do to yourself, for your own moods and feelings, and for the problems you encounter as you seek to navigate the world. Get yourself in good alignment within the self. Get mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually balanced so that you may feel good and at ease in your body. When you are at one with yourself, the world will be at one with you. As within, so without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday February 23, 2018

Anger is deadly fire. Fear is encapsulated emotion. Anger and fear together create a boiling cauldron out of which is sure to burst a storm of deadly, all-consuming fury. Work with your own anger to resolve it. Let your own fear become known and dismantle it. This is the work to be done so that your own cauldron may be a gently simmering pot of all that you are, all ingredients known, selected for their nurturing qualities, in proper proportions and cooked to perfection. Go inward and do the work of the self in these times of outer turmoil. It is what is needed now.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Valley of Darkness & Mountain of Light


On the other side is the light…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Greetings! This week’s audio channeling challenges us all to work our way out of where we are so that eventually we end up as a “Riverwalker,” fluidly navigating life, able to enter all worlds and yet mostly residing between them, in our natural earthly state. It’s all about being in Tao.

Wishing everyone a wonderfully productive week!