Tag Archives: self care

Soulbyte for Thursday May 23, 2019

Let yourself be calm and easy through all the trials and turmoils of life, for stress is your mortal enemy. Find a way to calm your body and your mind, to gain control over anxiety and panic, pain and fear, worry and intrusive thoughts. Find a balance within and without that will serve to keep you happy and healthy in mind, body, and spirit throughout your days. There are so many options available; search for one that suits you well and practice it always. Make it work for you so that your life may be calm and flowing and one of contentment and joy. Make getting your inner state into calm balance your priority. The solution lies in your own hands. You have the power to accomplish anything. Why not begin with yourself and use your personal power for your own good for a change? Do so, and all will be well for a long time to come.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday May 31, 2018

Let your mind be still, your heart calm, your body loose and easy. Remind yourself often to “relax your body, relax your mind,” as you make your way through the day. In stillness, calmness, and ease of body, mind, and heart breathe and acknowledge that in this moment you are fine, and let that be enough. “In this moment I am fine.” Let this moment be good enough. With kindness and compassion for yourself let this moment be good enough. Eventually all of those good enough moments will string together into a fine day indeed!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday May 2, 2018

Keep yourself in line with your greatest challenge and your greatest desire. The two go hand in hand. Challenge and desire are copilots, offering energy to your life as it is honed, directed, and achieves fulfillment. But nothing will move in a new direction if you do not challenge yourself and if you do not add fresh fuel to the fires of your true desires and if you do not turn on the engine yourself and spread your wings and fly. Without regret notice what has changed and yet look for what else must still change as you walk your path of heart and as you make your way toward new life. Keep going.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday April 6, 2018

Continuity is called for. Continuity requires constancy and commitment to one’s selected path of heart. To stay on a continuous path of growth and change one must call forth from the inner self all that one is. Nerves of steel and unbending focused intent, combined with heart-centeredness and continuous commitment to what is right, produce the necessary energy for change, but change will only come about by constantly sticking to one’s decision and making changes that support it. Today offers another opportunity to continue on a committed path of heart. Just do it.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday November 27, 2017

After all the giving comes retreat, pulling inward, taking time for rejuvenation. After expansion naturally comes a time of retraction. It is only in taking care of the self properly that you will have energy to give again when the time comes. Constant giving with no self care leads to exhaustion and resentment. Keep your loving heart open, flowing and glowing, but turn inward to care of the self now. Do whatever is needed in whatever way is right for you. There are no rules except the natural rules of constant change and evolution. After a time of giving to others it’s time to give to the self. It’s only natural.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne