Tag Archives: witness

Soulbyte for Tuesday June 23, 2020

Bear witness to the times you live in, for these are the changing times you have long anticipated, the times of upheaval and revelation, the times of chaos and confusion, which are leading to a new world order, not only among the human population but the entire planet. Bear witness from a positive and loving standpoint. Rather than stir up controversy, stir up kindness. Rather than acting from a place of fear, act from a loving place. Rather than spreading disdain, spread compassion. Rather than deny others the same happiness you seek, the same desire to avoid suffering, seek happiness and freedom from suffering for one and all. Rather than be full of anger, be full of loving kindness, intent upon forging a path of heart that all can travel with ease. Let everything you speak, write, and do prove that a path with heart is a path for all.

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne


I wrote the following poem a few weeks ago. It just came through me without being conjured or called. I felt the urge to grab a pen, and this is what came through. I hope it helps, especially in these times of turmoil when we may not feel heard, respected, appreciated for the journeys we have taken, when no one wants to listen to our story, when we feel alone in the world and our heart is heavy. Perhaps this offering that I received will offer you something. Here is the poem:


Let the sun be your witness, for it has warmed you.

Let the wind be your witness, for it has heard you.

Let the darkness be your witness, for it carries your story.

Let the earth be your witness, for it bears your pain.

Let the dawn be your witness, for it knows your dreams.

Let the birds be your witness, for they sing your song.

Let the water be your witness, for it washes your tears.

Let the whole Universe be your witness, for it knows you better than you do.

Let your Soul be your witness, for it has already gone where you have gone.

Be your own witness, for you know who you truly are.

Sending you love and support,


Witness ©2020 by Jan KetchelAuthor of The Recapitulation Diaries