Tag Archives: responsibility

Soulbyte for Monday November 11, 2019

A new day has arrived! Take advantage of the opportunity to begin anew, filled with the energy of this moment that has come to offer you its energy and promise. With respect for your journey thus far, and with anticipation of change that is good and fulfilling, set your intent, and with patience move toward your goal, one more day and one more step at a time. And when you have reached that goal set another one. That is how to greet each new day with anticipation and excitement. That is how to live a life of wonder. A warrior always finds the beauty and the promise in each new day and, with renewed interest and unbending intent, travels always a path with heart.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday November 8, 2019

Stay grounded in knowing that you are a dual force in the universe, body matter and spirit matter, comprised of so much more than what you normally perceive yourself as. Stay grounded in your body, remembering that you are also spirit, that these two parts of you are constantly urging each other to stay in alignment, to stay on your path of heart, your path of growth, healing, and evolution. Learn as much as you can about yourself, body and spirit, so that this alignment might bring you to greater understanding about the overall human condition, about how things happen and why, and greater knowledge about your own particular peculiarities. Remain aware of your two selves, body and spirit and, with loving kindness for this dual self, set upon your path of heart with renewed intent every day, knowing that this is your purpose, to learn that your life is indeed meaningful and beautiful in so many unexpected ways.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday November 7, 2019

Return to loving feelings of kindness, actions of compassion, parting the veils of disillusion to create a new world worth abiding in. With loving kindness include all beings, all peoples, all races in your new world, for you know that all beings are of the same spiritual matter and that all beings matter equally. This is your knowledge of truth and the knowledge by which to build anew, that all beings are spiritual beings composed of the same spiritual substance, energetic beings of energetic matter. Respect, inclusivity, maturity, responsibility, and loving kindness are the bedrock on which to build anew. Do this first within the self, bringing this knowledge of truth to bear upon your own life. Within yourself suspend judgments, face your old ideas of self and other, and clear the way to a new world order, within. Then bring this knowledge with you into the world and act upon it wherever  you roam.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday October 17, 2019

Stay connected to your healing intent, to your convictions that you are worth the effort, to your dream of a new you. In alignment with all of that, and sure of a higher purpose and greater meaning, find solidity in your life. In keeping with the knowing deep inside of you that your path of heart is the only path for you, continue your journey restrengthening your intent with renewed vigor every day, restating that you matter and that your dream matters. Resolve the issues that hold you back so that you may become fully open and accessible. Lose your regrets and resentments so that you may be truly ready for new experiences. With love, let go of your attachments so that your energy may be truly free to enjoy, explore, and embrace your new dream of you. Keep your intent strong from moment to moment and day to day. Your path of heart will not fail you nor disappoint you, but it’s up to you to stay upon it, to act on your own behalf, and to be the dreamer dreaming the dream of the new you. Dream on, with intent!

Sending  you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday October 15, 2019

Take care of your body, take care of your energy, take care of your mind. Bring them rest, give them nourishment, allow them exercise. Grant them peace and they will gift you with stability, longevity, and calmness. Use your heart as your anchor, your mind as your will, and your energy as your intent. You are a multifaceted being—body, will and energy—and when you are in good shape every action you take is in good shape too. Your thinking becomes clearer, your direction more certain, and your desires more strongly known. Take care of yourself and you will also be well taken care of by the world around you. Your own spirit will see to that! And you will be in good shape to notice and take advantage of all that life offers.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne