Tag Archives: positivity

Soulbyte for Tuesday March 16, 2021

Awaken, and take on the tremendous task each day of owning the life you are in, of taking responsibility, without blame or shame, for all that you have been granted, all that you have experienced, all that you have done. For indeed, it is your life to figure out and bring to fruition. No one else is responsible for your life, though many may help or hinder, depending on how you see it. Wake up and embrace all that you have been given and all the opportunities each day offers. Take it all to a new level, one day and one step at a time, without regret but with an open and expectant heart. Carve your way forward with your own loving self in mind as your goal, for to become a loving being is indeed a fine life to strive for, love for yourself and for others. You can’t go wrong with that. As within, so without.

Sending you love,
From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday March 15, 2021

Find a light in every day, a spark by which to find your way, to enable you to see clearly, hear succinctly, and know without a doubt that you and your journey through life matter and have value. You have something within you that daily seeks higher ground, that wants this day to be better than yesterday, that always seeks the light of love and positivity, that accepts the challenges that await you without fear or regret. Each new day is a day filled with possibilities, and there is always a part of you yearning for new experiences and new potential. Welcome to a new day of your most amazing journey through life!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday March 9, 2021

Tune into an attitude of optimism for maximum benefit in all aspects of life. Feed your mind the good food of positivity so that good things become attracted to your good attitude and flow your way. With optimism comes a sense of overall wellbeing that is hard to beat. An optimist stays focused on what is right and good and always has an eye on the future and its potential to answer all the big questions and bring the big rewards. Even a simple dream is a bright light to work toward in an optimist’s world. An optimist knows that everything is possible and is more likely to go with the flow because that’s where life is leading anyway, and an optimist is always eager for what is sure to come.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday February 26, 2021

Reset your intentions, your hopes and your dreams each morning. Breathe in the first light of dawn and breathe out the darkness of the night. Breathe in your conscious awake mind and breathe out your unconscious asleep mind. Stir your heart with each breath in, awakening your love, compassion and kindness, breathing out your fears, disappointments and losses. Fill your mind with new dreams, with positive affirmations, and an attitude of determination. Begin each day anew in a new way and reach out for what you desire now in this life you are in. Everything is within reach.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday February 23, 2021

It’s never too late. Change happens constantly, from minute to minute and day to day. Nature is a perfect example of how quickly change happens. Notice how quickly clouds form, how the wind kicks up, how the grass grows and a flower blooms. Don’t lose hope. Keep change in your heart and with a positive approach to life instill your hopes and dreams with change in every breath you breathe, keeping in mind the truth that change is happening all the time. Why not jump on the bandwagon? With intent, determination and right action bring the change you so desire into your own life. It’s really up to you.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne