Tag Archives: path with heart

Soulbyte for Monday June 22, 2010

All things change, but rather than passively wait for change to happen the time has come to embrace change, to move things along, to actively participate in a changing world that will work for one and all. Without action there is no choice, and choice matters. Enact change in your own life by choosing to walk a path with heart, by deciding that every action will be an action that has meaning, by determining that every moment is as sacred as the next, by grasping that there is no time like now to be the kind and loving being you long to be, the person you truly are. For there is no time like now.

Sending you all love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday June 8, 2020

Let your heart remain large and receptive, openly optimistic, even though there is much to be concerned about, for an open and receptive heart is a heart full of hope that all will be well, that the changes now current will bring forth that which has been hidden, and that new forces will join together to turn the tides in a new direction. What seems impossible is possible when there is no doubt, when the heart is in alignment with spirit and the cosmos, and when the positive has been enacted for the good of all. In alignment with all of that, everything IS possible.

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday June 3, 2020

A warrior keeps life sacred, striving always to find the next step on a path with heart, holding the self accountable, making decisions and choices in keeping with the tenets of loving kindness and compassion as part of that sacred journey. For a warrior knows that a lifetime is over in the blink of an eye, and so a warrior keeps sacred each step, each thought, each action, as if they were the last. A warrior keeps each moment of each day sacred, no matter what is happening in the outside world.

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday May 19, 2020

Each day is a brand new day, if you make it so. By your own volition, by the power within you, grab hold of your dreams and enact them in every step you take, in every thought you conjure, in every breath you take. Set your intent and do not forget it. Let it be your roadmap, and ask your spirit to be your compass. With such preparation nothing will thwart your progress, for you and your spirit are a powerful duo. Your intent is strong and your spirit is stronger. Remember this as you take your next step on your path with heart, the only path worth taking. Bon Voyage!

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday May 18, 2020

A warrior guards against impulse. Nothing is undertaken without first consulting spirit and waiting patiently for signs pointing to the direction in which a warrior moves next. Action is critical to a warrior, but only right action, and right action comes from spirit. A warrior tames impulses while simultaneously looking, looking, vigorously, all attention focused on discovering the next step. A warrior is attuned, within and without, to spirit’s guidance so that every step is a step upon a path with heart. If there is a failure, a warrior does not blame, bemoan, or regret but immediately and with renewed vigor returns to the path of heart, the only journey worth taking.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne