Tag Archives: nature as mirror

Soulbyte for Monday August 30, 2021

Nature’s way may not be logical but it is the way of all things that seek change, for nature knows so much more than the thinking species, the human being, how to enact change that is irrevocable. Watch how nature shows the way, how a path of destruction leads to new habits, new life and the changes that are ultimately necessary for survival and prosperity. Within the self let nature’s lessons sink in, and learn the ultimate lesson that nature instructs, that to be kind and loving in the face of disaster is the one and only response.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday August 23, 2021

Do not let the mind take you on jaunts into fear, worry, paranoia or skepticism. Turn the mind into a calming machine by toning down the unwanted chatter of busyness and the kind of annoying games the mind likes to play with meditative exercises and sitting in the stunning silence of nature. In this manner, calm your whole system so that you are better prepared to withstand the conjuring mind’s assaults. Turn to calming breath, focused mantra and heart centered attention, where the power of love may find you.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday June 8, 2021

It’s not that hard to be kind. It’s not that hard to choose a way of life that includes kindness and compassion as guiding forces and love as the basis for all actions. There is no lack in choosing a path of heart that incorporates loving kindness and compassion, for it is as natural as the rose bush that produces only roses of beauty, the butterfly that emerges in all its delicacy and the birdsong that sounds only pleasant melodious notes. It’s natural to turn in the direction of kindness and loving compassion. In alignment with that, all will be well!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday May 27, 2021

Find in nature’s awakening and progression reflections of your own awakening and unfolding, for nature is spirit in action, doing the things that come when it’s time to do them, neither too early nor too late. Even disasters in nature come when the time is right. Let your own life’s unfolding be natural to you. Times of illness or depression just as times of joy or celebration come when the time is right, for all of nature and all in natural unfolding equates with change, the great equalizer and the great destiny of all. Embrace your own change. It’s natural!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday October 26, 2020

Seek solace in knowing that all will be well, that the dust will settle, that the outer turbulence will come into stillness, that the inequality will gain balance, that the inner unease will grow calm. In time, as in nature, things evolve. The laws of nature will prevail and that which now troubles will be gone, as the night goes into day, as the storms pass on into quiet, as the seasons pass through, one to the next. So does everything change. Keep hope in knowing the laws of change. Keep love in the heart and sobriety in the mind. Keep kindness on the tongue and compassion in hand, for this time too shall pass on into something new.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne