Tag Archives: intent

Chuck’s Place: The Magical Pass of You

Change your movements, change your self…
– Artwork © 2022 Jan Ketchel

The Shamans of Ancient Mexico discovered that by performing a specific sequence of physical movements, which they entitled Magical Passes, the embodiment of an intention could be supported and realized. An example would be achieving a state of Inner Silence, through performing a specific set of shamanic bodily movements.

In actuality, all of our physical movements are dense energy constructions of intents we may or may not be aware of. For example, if we approach a social encounter with mental trepidation our bodily movements will express this mental/emotional state. Sensitive people will easily detect someone’s true inner state by reading the physical energetic configuration they enact.

Ultimately, all there is is energy. Hence, the physical world is made up of infinite, unique patterns of flowing energy that give structure and movement to all objects in the world. One of those unique patterns of energy is you.

Did you ever notice that you need only the slightest hint of a person’s movement to recognize them? Each individual has their own unique pattern of energy, which is reflected in all of their bodily movements.

Though we cannot alter the unique energetic essence that we are, we can shift its configuration. For example, the psychoanalyst, Wilhelm Reich, discovered that people’s emotional defenses resulted in a character armor, which physically embodied in postures of rigidity and muscular tension.

Through the practice of a prescribed series of physical movements, called bioenergetics, patients are able to change their defensive energetic configurations to experience joy and pleasure.

The magic of a magical pass is being able to stir our latent ability to re-assemble our energetic essence in new, creative, and fulfilling ways. This is the true definition of change: having the fluidity to shift our energetic essence into new possibilities. The challenge to achieving our coveted changes lies in our habitual attachment to our familiar, energetically encrusted, state of self.

An alternative to focusing on the rigid mental definitions of self, to break up this energetic encrustation, is to change the current magical passes one performs on a daily basis. For example, rather than conform to a specific sleep/wake routine, break the mold. Go to sleep one night at 8 pm, the next at 11 pm, etc. Rather than type the usual texts to friends and family, withdraw into reading a book. Notice what new possibilities of feeling and creativity present in this void of routine.

If you have a breathing practice, do it many times throughout the day. The alpha breathing pass of a count of 8 inhalation, 8 holding, and 8 exhalation, followed by a no-breath pause of 4, can be introduced spontaneously throughout the day.

One may come to observe that interrupting the habitual shallow breathing pattern, or holding of breath for long periods of time, shifts one into a deeply calm reset of the central nervous system. This might actually generate its own trepidation, as the familiar definition of one’s self as a nervous person is severely shaken. We discover why we tend to cling to what we call bad habits, as we understand how they fortify our security in an unchanging personality, with known bodily movements that rigidly uphold that unchanging self.

To really become the full magic of you, observe the habitual patterns that have defined you. Focus especially on the physical movements that actualize these patterns. Change the movements, change the self.

No attachment to outcome, just persevere with light abandon. As Carlos Castaneda would excitedly express, “See what happens!”

From the magic of me, to the magic of you,


Soulbyte for Tuesday March 29, 2022

Keep the light within you alive and well by tending to it as you would a small fire. Breathe gently upon it so that it does not go out, keeping it alive as you would a plant, flower, or small critter. It is your spirit’s presence within you that seeks to remind you of your eternal self and your connection to all that is good, to love.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday March 28, 2022

As your days unfold take note of what works for you and what doesn’t. Without blame or shame simply change what you can to suit your intent to change. Take responsibility for your life, your actions, and even your thoughts, so that every day is a day of growth, change, and newness. It’s never too late to make changes that are positive and necessary. Your spirit wants to keep growing and only you can help it do so.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Intend To Ascend

Breathe the breath of  inspiration…
– Artwork © 2022 Jan Ketchel

To ascend is to realize one’s higher ideals in everyday life. To ascend is to invite Spirit into expression in the temple of the physical body.

The highest ideal is just to love. What blocks love is selfishness. Selfishness is living within the narrow confines of self-interest, essentially focused upon one’s physical comforts and physical survival needs, to the exclusion of the needs of others, as well as the intent of one’s own Spirit.

The physical body is the playing field of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind expresses our karmic load in the features and workings of the physical body. The subconscious also houses our suppressed memories of experiences in the life we are currently in, in the organs and conditions of the physical body. The subconscious also holds the primal heartbeat of Spirit’s intent, seeking movement in physical expression.

However, the physical body is also the being who is going to die, therefore, from it issues the anxiety, worry, and preoccupation with survival. The physical body is our Earthly animal self, largely preoccupied with food, shelter, and comfort. Like our cherished pets, the physical body asks for tenderness and security to calm its panic around daily survival needs.

The physical body is the child within the self who seeks the reassurance of the parent, the ego mind, that everything will be OK, so that it can relax into a calm state of safety and expression. Short of this, the physical body remains tense and restless, riddling the parent mind with its fears, that generate obsessive thoughts of impending doom.

Frequently, the ego, as parent, becomes preoccupied with securing safety for this child panic state by piling up physical resources to placate its survival fears. This is where the ego is constantly obsessed with money: making, obtaining, or miserly coveting its accumulated reserves. This can also manifest in eating disorder issues, where the survival need of hunger dominates ego decision making.

Currently, we are witness to a war whose perpetrator’s intent is to devour and hoard a country to strengthen its own resource and personal defense. This is the child whose fears have become the parent’s mission to soothe, through the stealing of another’s property, with the justification of self-interest and survival.

Interestingly, the world is divided over the primacy of self-interest that expresses itself in indiscriminate human slaughter versus sacrifice and service, for the greater good of all. The former attitude can be characterized as a refusal to ascend. The latter attitude, the intent to ascend.

To ascend means ego opening and acquiescing to the promptings of its Godparent self, its High Spirit. Spirit is the home of that higher order of love for all, neighbor and self. Though ego was born to be housed in the temple of the physical body, its true parent is Spirit itself, who gave it life to perform its mission, from Spirit.

Typically, ego feels orphaned from its true Spirit. This is the side effect of being born with a blank slate, an imposed loss of memory of its divine origin. This is necessary for it to truly take on its assigned mission in the playing field of time and space, life and death in a physical body. Lacking the memory of its divine origin, ego becomes the little prince/princess of the personality, its Earthly domain, which includes the physical body.

Cynicism, the rational cornerstone of narcissism, is the worldview of an ego that lacks connection to, or completely denies, life beyond the physical body, in Spirit. Cynicism cannot rise above attachment to material love, as, from its perspective, matter is all there is. The only playing field for cynicism is love for one’s material conquests and acquisitions.

For egos ready to ascend, a loving, caring attitude of parental responsibility for the true needs of the physical body temple is primary. This can be achieved through many methods of breathing, meditation, chanting, and dance that calm the worried, mortal, physical body through direct contact with and expression of Spirit.

With the child of the body in its safe place, the ego is now free to open to the promptings of its own true parent self, its High Spirit.

Spirit sends dreams and synchronicities to nourish the spiritual needs of the body and the mind. Spirit sends visions and channels to teach the workings of higher love, as well as bathe the ego and body with the energy for loving movement and fulfillment. This is true inspirationin-spir(it)-a(c)tion!

Our world is slowly coming around to intend to ascend, as we suffer the atrocities of loveless actions. As individuals, we can hasten this collective inertia by intending to ascend through the responsible parenting of our bodies and to receiving the loving guidance of our Spirits. This work is our personal contribution to the world’s necessary intent to ascend.

With full intent to ascend,
