Tag Archives: individuation

Soulbyte for Thursday September 27, 2018

Become fully responsible, within and without. Become fully independent so that your needs and wants are not interfering with the greater good. Find your answers to your issues and problems within the self. As you turn inward become your own good mother and your own good father, wise, kind, and helpful so that you may then turn outward into the world a fully integrated being, with your energy honed and useful. With kindness and compassion in your heart, step out into the world an independent and worthy being. As you do your inner work and seek your wholeness remember that you are there for your own reasons, for your own growth and maturity, not in a selfish way, but in an evolutionary way. Discover the real truth about yourself by becoming fully responsible for yourself. Proceed on your journey with integrity, honesty, and love always in your heart. For above all else love matters the most, for self and other. Love, for the greater good.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday September 25, 2018

Pay attention to the physical as much as you do the spiritual. Bring the two into alignment in your body, the house of now, where they yearn to reside together in peace and harmony, two halves of the whole you. When one gets too much attention, the other suffers. When one is made more important, the other feels neglected. When one is given too much, the other feels negated and unworthy. Call upon each of them, body and spirit, to acknowledge and help each other. Allow your heart to be their place of meeting and conversation, for from your heart love flows for both in equal measure. It is the connecting elixir that you need, the substance that really matters above all else. Love is the answer. Bring body and spirit together in the waves of your own loving heart, knowing that it really is okay to love yourself in this manner. In fact, what could be better than that!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday September 21, 2018

Yes, you are worthy, of life, of all that you are, of all that you receive, of all that you desire, of all that you wish for. Don’t hold yourself back anymore, but do find a means of expression that feels right and that is in alignment with your spirit, in tune with the beat of your own heart. Feel your way to finding your rightful place in the world and accept it wholeheartedly, without feeling like you are doing something wrong. Without self-judgment, live your life to the fullest. Let the critiques of others fall by the wayside. For if your life’s journey is based on your heart in tune with your spirit’s intent, you are on the right track, and something inside you knows that and refuses to be stopped. Go for it. Let nothing stop you now. You ARE worthy.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday September 20, 2018

Be an energy miser. Take your energy inward and hone it for use in new and productive ways. Focus on your own goals, desires, and longings, rather than on those of others. Save your energy for saving yourself now. It’s time. Give yourself the benefit of all you’ve learned through life, of all you’ve discovered and of all you’ve come to know. Don’t waste your wisdom but accept it, and quietly go about living it, in your own way. By your inner work achieve what you most desire for yourself. You know what this means and how to go about it. In this manner quietly effect that which surrounds you. As within, so without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday September 18, 2018

The glory in each day comes in how you choose to live it, in what attitude you take, in what perspective you decide to adopt. These are the things in your control that will bring you the happiness you seek, the longed for change, and a sense of well being. They are the catalysts to new experiences. If you take control of your choices, your attitude, and your perspective in a new and positive way your entire experience will change. These are your powers. Don’t let them go to waste.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne