Tag Archives: current times

Chuck’s Place: How To Love & Be One With Everyone*

Loving reconciliation of the opposites…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

This much I got right from my second grade religious instruction: God is everywhere. God is everything. Nothing that is, is not God. God is, simply, All That Is. Everything and everyone in our world is part of All That Is. We are all one. All includes both good and evil, in everyone. 

We are a holographic universe. Shine a light on any one of us and all of us will appear. As within, so without. As above, so below. Our supposed individuality is simply what we emphasize in All That Is. Though we may emphasize the good, we are all equally, latently evil. 

When we rigidly identify with the good, we project our evil outwardly, where someone else must vicariously live that side of our wholeness for us. This is the stalemate of extreme polarization: We hate our disowned shadows yet remain hopelessly, negatively bound to them, as they reflect in the faces of our supposed enemy. 

To become whole beings we must include all that we truly are. Our personal drama for the life we are in reflects our attempt to reconcile the particular constellation of All That Is that we chose to experience in this lifetime. The ideal is a union of all our discordant parts into a balance that best serves the greater good.

Truthfully, sometimes the balance achieved is extremely volatile and destructive, as is quite evident in the greater world, particularly in America this very day. Nonetheless, for all of its unsettledness, our current world is fully an equal member of All That Is:  All With Equanimity (AWE).

This wholeness does not mean that boundaries and limits are not to be exercised. As the Dalai Lama once answered when questioned, yes, he would use a gun to stop another from killing him. His caveat, however, was that he would not shoot in anger but with total loving compassion for the person trying to assassinate him.

To love everyone, we must begin with ourselves. We are tasked with loving every aspect of ourselves, even the body parts that we try so hard to hide. We must even love the part of ourselves that hates and judges ourselves and others. We must love that part of All That Is. Through loving that part we bring better stability into the dream we are in.

Can we love the greedy, unforgiving, entitled, self-serving, bitter part of ourselves that seeks release through vengeance and retribution? Can we allow ourselves to know and accept that part of our being that is so consciously rejected and buried alive within?

Can we love the mercenary, deceiving, selfish, power hungry materialist within that we dress over with generosity and random acts of kindness? To face the truth of, and love this part of self, we must remove its stigma and find its rightful home within, refining the  personality to reflect its greater wholeness in better balance.

Outwardly, we are tasked to reclaim ownership of the parts of ourselves that we project onto others, those whom trigger us to rage and embroil us in a battle of opposites. Can we have compassion, even feel gratitude, for those who play such a vital mirroring role in our own journey of self discovery?

And yes, we may need to stop them or ignore them, but can we do it from a place of love versus hate? When we hate, we reject a vital part of All That Is. Short of full acceptance, that which we hate becomes our karma and our destiny.

When we can be in love, we raise our energetic vibration to a frequency that gives us direct access to our subconscious mind. The neural networks in our brain expand with harmonious neuroplasticity, as our emotions are elevated and calmed with in-body dopamine and serotonin.

Our brainwaves flow cohesively as our thoughts are calm and collected. Outwardly, we manifest positive vibrations that invite greater social cohesion. Even when all opportunity for outer connection is denied, we rest contentedly within, knowing that all things will pass.

I am particularly grateful to be able to participate in the leela, or Divine play, of now. I hold all epochs in AWE, but truly appreciate the unique opportunity of now, in this Age of Aquarius, to refine love to such subtle levels, as we manifest the next stage of our evolving dream.

With love and gratitude,

*NOTE: I threw the I Ching, asking for a reading for America with respect to the outcome of the election today. I decided to suspend interpretation but share the hexagrams obtained, for review by anyone interested: Hexagram #12, Standstill, with the 9 in the 5th place highlighted. The future of this reading is #35, Progress. Do be sure to explore the 9 in the 5th place, which is the key to the whole reading. There are many I Ching interpretations, including the classic Wilhelm translation. A search online will reveal many options. 

Chuck’s Place: Close Your Eyes To Projection

Discovering royalty within…
– Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Our attention and emotional excitement are drawn outwardly to events that show us our very personal drama within. Our inner director is so stupendous, we hardly realize that our outer fascination is directed from  the depths of our own psyche, as it seeks to captivate the attention of our consciousness.

So held in the grip are we by certain events upon the world stage that it seems impossible to believe that they are actually reflecting something quite personal within our own selves. The movie we are drawn to see might be our own personal shadow play, or it may reflect the seismic stirrings at the deeper, unconscious level of our collective Soul life.

To discover the source, close your eyes and ask your Soul to reveal the source of your attraction, fascination, repulsion, and passion for the story it has directed you to. Allow your spontaneous thoughts and images to interact with your reflective consciousness. Prepare to take deeper ownership for the fuller picture of the many selves of your self. 

The Queen’s funeral might find one unexpectedly overcome by a depth of emotion completely enigmatic to one’s conscious attitude toward the monarch and sense of self. Closing one’s eyes to the world, an image of personal mother may appear. A series of vignettes might ensue, expressing her life of self-sacrifice and service, as she provided  nurturance and security to all. A wave of old grief might invite one to emotional release.

Perhaps one might be drawn instead to images of mother repressing emotion in all, stressing rules and limitations in her reign over one’s childhood. Perhaps one is then drawn into the emotion of guilt that one actually felt joy at liberation upon her passing.

At another level, one might encounter the numinous energy of royalty, the Great Mother Queen, whose coffin concealing her lifeless body draws thousands to wait countless hours to walk by and to personally commune with her Goddess energy. Welcome to the the domain of the archetypes.

Archetypes are nature’s images that direct human behavior from behind the mind’s eye. In archetypal reality, royalty is the Queen Bee, whom the drones of humanity are organized to serve. Queen and King are the ultimate mother and father in all benevolent or cruel authority figures that we encounter throughout life. We react to their projection with anxiety, awe, fear, and anger.

Inwardly, these archetypes are the ego’s parents, to which it owes its life. When ego inflates, it identifies with their power. When it deflates, it abandons all its power, as it returns to the womb in total surrender.

In Queen Elizabeth, ego highlighted the value of service—service to the established rules. Queen Elizabeth represented ego sacrifice to a higher value. Human predilection must conform to royal expectation, without exception.

Inwardly, human guilt and longing may be the consequence of our relationship to these powerful archetypes. Has my life gone wrong because I refused to sacrifice to service, that is, to what was expected of me? Is my fulfillment denied because my needs have offended the royals within? Is it time to break free of royal bondage? Am I prepared to go it alone, to honor my right to choose? And if I do, am I prepared to bear the wrath of the royal parents?

At the deepest collective level the boots of the activated Gods are making the Earth shudder. The Queen is dead, long live the King. Inwardly, this transition of power marks the emergence of a new rule, perhaps dictated by transition to a new stage of the life cycle. Clearly, the world is floundering as it seeks a new value to live by.

The Queen’s adherence to ancient precedent cannot lead us to salvation. What is needed is not adherence and sacrifice to tradition but service and acquiescence to what is truly needed for the Earth, and all her inhabitants. Can ego serve such a King?

These are the many worlds within that play for attention in our changing world without. Though we might laugh at the silliness of monarchy, perhaps if we close our eyes and discover the powers that be within, we’ll understand the reason for a tear as we listen to the bagpipes sending this Queen on her definitive journey.

With closed eyes opened,

Chuck’s Place: All That Is & All That was

Joining above and below…
– Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Jeanne, from her Soul perspective, has advised that all we need in order to advance our karmic intention in this life is present in the material circumstances we encounter in this life. Regardless of the past life incarnations that constitute the deeper fabric of our present life, it is not necessary to retrieve them in memory to reconcile our Soul’s mission in this life.

Too much obsession with past life retrieval can distract one from fully living one’s current, actual, life. In fact, though fascinating and enchanting, past life exploration can, if overly lived in, provide a dissociative distraction from the depths of emotional engagement and challenge needed in the full living of one’s current life.

Recapitulation, or retrieval of all of one’s current life experiences, is the key to cracking the karmic nut of one’s current life. This is aptly verified by the life review process consistently reported in near death experiences (NDE). Retrieving and processing traumatic memory from this life also paves the way to liberation and fulfillment of one’s karmically interrupted current life.

Ultimately, one’s spiritual evolution requires a recapitulation of all of one’s many lives to arrive at the fullness of one’s Soul identity, an amalgam of all those experiences. Beyond that is the greater amalgam of all Souls’ journeys in the cosmic hologram of oneness. Wholeness requires full ownership and reconciliation with all that is and all that was.

As the icebergs melt and the lakes dry up, our material world reveals its hidden human history. The subtle energies of bygone times are no longer frozen in time, they reveal themselves upon the current world stage.

Queen Elizabeth’s passing is the end of an era that is, ironically,  reasserting itself upon the current world stage. The Souls of the unsettled departed cry out for attention and resolution, as the Queen recapitulates, in her subtle body, the life of her reign beyond the confines of her royal diplomacy.

The hunger of the Soviet empire to reassert its hegemony over Ukraine harkens back to 1922 when the Soviet Union annexed Ukraine. The rise of racist ideologies in political personalities throughout the world reflect Hitler and Mussolini, prominent dictators of WWII. The polarization among the American populace reflects the unleashing of suppressed energies and ideologies from its own Civil War of the 1860s.

In its current life, the world is facing a potential Armageddon, due to climate change brought on by a reticence to face the truth and acquiesce to the needs of the greater whole. The world ego is being challenged to grow beyond its narcissistic worldview to embrace a true love for neighbor. Souls currently in this life, as well as those subtly departed but still attached, are energetically engaged in the global chess moves of now.

Earth’s karma is forcing an engagement of unrequited energies that are demanding reconciliation. Currently, world ego is struggling to acknowledge Earth’s deepest needs, even as it prioritizes its own comfort and survival. The broader view that acknowledges and actively addresses the imperialist impulses of now, evident in much of the world’s response to the invasion of Ukraine, is a definite advance from ignoring the Nazi purge early in the lead up to WWII.

Hitler’s once crafty rise to power is being deeply reflected in the current challenges posed by the political events on many continents. The American Civil War is being replayed with a vengeance, while its unity, necessary to serve as world leader, teeters on collapse. The current release of anger, in the many tragedies of now, reflects another stage in the grieving process, perhaps unavoidable if we are to achieve the ultimate reconciliation of detached acceptance.

Though we shouldn’t obsess over the past world memories now active upon the world stage, appreciating the deeper restless energies of yesteryear casts a broader view of all that has a stake in the outcome of now. Our focus now should be on facing the truths of now, within and without.

From this position of broad contemplation, past and present included, let us take up, with diligence, the recapitulation of our personal lives, and find true fulfillment in loving all that is and all that was.

Intending the broader view,

Soulbyte for Tuesday October 3, 2017

During these times of great change make great changes in your own life that support a new and different worldview, one based on new and yet ancient principles of balance and equality, of moderation and consolidation, of positive inner attitude and generous outlook. Look inside the self for the resources most applicable and called for now, love and kindness for instance, and bring them out into the world. Do not fear sharing yourself in this loving way for it is in sharing your deeper self that you will discover that all beings share a need for understanding and acceptance. These are the principles now needed, along with a good dose of heart centered compassion for all beings, even those who hate and kill. This too is keeping things in balance. The eternal struggle between good and evil lies within all beings, even you. Evil has been ignored for too long, dismissed as not acceptable, and that is why it is acting out. It will not be resolved until it is acknowledged and accepted as part of life too. Accept all sides of the self. Set yourself right with your inner world and help get the outer world right too. As within so without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne