Tag Archives: choice

Soulbyte for Wednesday May 17, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

If you decide to live life on your own terms then be prepared to deal with the consequences. Not every way is a way that will bring fulfillment. Not every way is a way that  is full of heart. Not every way is a way that offers the best opportunities. Not every way takes into consideration the greater good. However you decide to live your life this time around will also determine how you live your life the next time around. Spend some time in deep contemplation. Ask yourself some hard questions and decide what is right for you to do now and what your next step should be. To walk a path with heart, or not?

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday March 1, 2021

Being responsible means taking full responsibility for the self, for choices made, even the most harmful and self-effacing, even those made in concert with another, for in the end, if a choice effects you it’s up to you to own it and resolve it. Being fully responsible for the self may mean rethinking choices and deciding to go in a new direction, or it may mean hunkering down and making the most of any given situation that still has merit. In the end, however, responsibility comes without blame or shame but full ownership if it is to be a truly fulfilling, honest and mature responsibility that is going to help you evolve. For in taking responsibility for your part in life’s activities you truly do grow and evolve.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte For Friday January 29, 2021

When change comes rushing at you without forewarning, go inward and ask the self how you got in alignment with such change. How did you meet it? How did you prepare for it? For the truth is, no event is unplanned, for everything is always a possibility. What you decide to do next is also a possibility, another choice. Who has not had to make hard choices in life? Sometimes a path is chosen, other times a path is thrown down in front of you, but always you have a choice, even if it is only what attitude to take. Let your heart be the deciding factor, for your heart knows more than you do.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday August 25, 2020

Notice how thoughts come to help or hinder. Unbidden they enter the sphere of your awareness and tell you this or that, taking control and seizing your attention. Attend to them by countering with empty mind, with a mind of no thought, for an empty mind is a place where the creative may flourish, where the Great Oneness may find you. In the empty room of your empty mind, wisdom, clarity, and love may find a home, come unbidden as well, but oh, so much more welcome! Study your own mind and how your thoughts come to control and trick you, how they may even enslave you in doing that which you would not. Turn from them and let your mind be open and pure instead. And then see what happens!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne