Soulbyte for Thursday January 25, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Maintain balance so that heart, mind and body remain as one, so that what you imagine you can create comes to fruition, so that what you dream becomes reality. With heart, mind and body aligned nothing will stand in your way. Rest assured that such alignment will bring you into better alignment with not only the energy within yourself but also with energies outside of yourself, and just as you will be better and calmer within so will your actions and interactions in the outside world be better, calmer and more fruitful. If there is one goal to pursue, this may be it. For without balance chaos has an opening, and chaos is not good, for you or the world.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

PS: We acknowledge the passing of Melanie Safka. You beautiful person; we carry on, lighting candles, in the rain.

Soulbyte for Wednesday January 24, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Guidance comes in so many different ways to help you through your daily life, to show you how to make good decisions and aid you as you seek higher ground, as you seek a spiritual way. Look to your dreams but also to events, signs and sudden signals in your waking life as well. Notice how your calls for help are answered and how your guides and helpers respond to you, for often they will use the same methods repeatedly. And remember: Ask and you will receive. Though the answer may come in unexpected ways, and perhaps may not be the answer you expect, you will get an answer. Even silence is an answer.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: No One Knows

No one knows…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

In 1892, Thomson Jay Hudson discovered a truth that, when it is fully realized, will change the course of human evolution and civilization. Hudson discovered, through his own exhaustive experiments, that anonymously intending the healing of another person results in the genuine healing of that person.*

The technology for this healing is the use of a healing suggestion directed to the subconscious of an afflicted person while they sleep. Sleep is a state of consciousness where the subconscious mind is freed from managing waking life in the physical body and, hence, is most pristinely accessible to the field of suggestion.

The healing agent must also be in a deeply relaxed, trancelike state, where telepathy can easily make the communicative link to the subconscious mind of the person to be healed. The catch is that the receiver of the healing intention must not know that such a healing effort is being made on their behalf.

To truly be effective, healing requires the complete cancellation of self-importance on the part of the healer. No one will ever know the source of the healing suggestion. There is no money to be made in this form of healing.

On 1/19/24 The Washington Post had a feature article on a new technology that could potentially cure tinnitus. In truth, the article and research itself appear to be largely derived from the producers of the healing devices. This is influencer journalism, hardly befitting The Washington Post’s prestigious legacy of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein’s Watergate investigation.

Most interesting was the reporting of the research and treatment outcomes, which have not yet advanced enough to be certain that the positive results could not be attributable to merely placebo. Once again, science so automatically delegitimizes the potential healing power of suggestion.

A placebo reaction is the concrete physical proof of the power of a suggestion to heal. If it is determined in this case that belief alone in the power of the device to heal resulted in placebo success, it validates the use of suggestion to heal.

Science dismisses placebo because it denies the existence of the mind as a subtle soul body, separate from the physical brain, that has tremendous power to impact the state of the body. The medical label for such a mysterious cure is the pedestrian phrase: spontaneous remission.

Of course, it is entirely possible that the devices themselves may be determined to be the healing agent. Yet, I can’t escape the possibility that scientific validation merely fortifies and raises the level of  acceptance of a healing device, which becomes a powerful collective suggestion that enables a placebo cure. Perhaps all healing is, ultimately, placebo.

Aside from the materialist bias of science at present, the truth is that there is no money to be made by science, the medical profession, or industry, if healing can be affected by the power of suggestion alone. Imagine a future world where the powers of personal healing are truly awakened in the minds of all human beings. How empowering and Marxist can it get!

Of course, if it’s as simple to heal as Hudson suggests, why aren’t we there? Firstly, and a major reason why healing intentions must remain hidden, is that the knowing of them attracts the vengeance of the rational mind of self and others, whose hegemony over human life at present casts doubt and negative suggestions upon the power of healing suggestion. Such thoughts interfere with and weaken the otherwise potent healing messages presented to the subconscious mind.

To be clear, nobody can actually heal another person. Everyone has control of their own subconscious mind, which will decide what suggestions it will fulfill. The power of a healer lies in their power to present to the subconscious mind of themselves, or another, and have entertained, a healing suggestion.

There is no doubt that there are powerful hypnotists who are impacting the subconscious minds of the masses on our present world stage. However, regardless of their persuasiveness, it is ultimately up to all individuals to wake up and assume responsibility for their own entrancement. Take back your own power of suggestion to change the self, and change the world.

It is true that the ancient indigenous shamanic practices assigned the shaman the task of dropping into the underworld and retrieving the soul of the afflicted to generate healing. However, Carlos Castaneda realized that modern shamans are teachers who should empower all to take their own soul retrieval journeys. These are the healings that result in lasting transformation. No one can grow for us. We live in a time where all must wake up to the power and responsibility to direct their own healing potential for the greater good.

Furthermore, physical illnesses are often actually employed by a person’s High Self as a means to awaken them to the necessity of major changes in their life, to advance their true fulfillment. In these cases, healing suggestions taken up by the subconscious mind will likely result in healing of limited duration, as the more deeply needed change has not occurred and a return of the illness is needed to restore the path to that deeper cure.

The other major factor that inhibits healing is blocking beliefs. This is particularly the case with autosuggestion, where the conscious mind is aware of the healing suggestion to the subconscious and can inflict its rational shadow to oppose it. Beyond rationality are all sorts of beliefs around unworthiness, or the dangers of change, that can intrude upon the effectiveness of a healing suggestion.

One approach to overcome such a conundrum is to dissociate from the rational mind, and blocking beliefs, to allow a suggestion to the subconscious to be enacted. For many, this may be the power of a psychedelic substance that, once ingested, whisks the mind beyond its rational boundaries into the transpersonal realms of experience.

Robert Monroe suggests a gentler form of dissociation to reach the transpersonal. He tells people, as they deepen their relaxation, to put their rational mind and blocking beliefs into a sealed box that they will then retrieve after their journey. Freed of the weight of those blocks one can travel to the higher planes of emotional, mental and spiritual existence.

Blocking beliefs and rationality can also be allowed to remain while healing suggestions are incessantly and rotely repeated. It is not necessary for the conscious mind to believe in a suggestion; its job is to impress, via saturation, the subconscious to the point that it takes up its imperative.

What is required of the conscious mind is to have the faith that, despite all its doubts and blocks, anything is possible, and to perseveringly repeat the healing suggestions. The caveat is to not attach to the outcome.

Healing is a mysterious journey that requires us to let go of control and track the path presented in response to our healing suggestion. Sometimes that path might deepen the illness through a healing crisis that results in major transformation. Sometimes that path leads to death’s door, a healing that requires the ultimate transformation beyond human form.

Though we share our lives with others at various levels of transparency and intimacy, when it comes to healing suggestions there is great benefit to keeping the existence of those suggestions to oneself. Avoiding the trappings of self-importance, as well as the adverse suggestions of others, gives one’s suggestions optimal opportunity for an audience with the subconscious mind, the one part of the self that truly does have the power to heal.

No one knows,

*The Law of Psychic Phenomena, Thomson Jay Hudson

Soulbyte for Tuesday January 23, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Each day offers an opportunity to change, to do something new, to more fully become the person you are meant to be, to explore what it means to be human. Notice how nature never misses an opportunity, how each day changes are taking place, sometimes subtlety, sometimes drastically. Without fear be open to the changes that come into your own life. Rather than regret them embrace them, for they are as natural as can be. Change is the hand of the divine showing you where to go next.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday January 22, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Without fear turn your thoughts to useful turns of phrase around kindness, compassion and love on a daily basis. There is enough negativity in the world to last a century. Why not break the bad habit of constant negative chatter with a little beauty of positivity. Turn your own mind into a chatterbox of love music and emit the pleasurable sounds of kindness wherever you roam.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne