It’s a new day with new opportunities, new energy, new possibilities. Shift out of the old and into the new with intent, fully aware that it is time for change. It is time to take a leap, to send the self in a new, more positive direction. Take responsibility for the self, within and without. For indeed, only you are responsible for you, for how you think and act, and how you treat others. Make an assessment of the self and decide the best course of action. For even as you see that the world should change so do you know you should too. It’s time to make things better. Even just a small shift in attitude will begin the journey of change that you so need and desire. Step one: begin!
Body and mind are inextricably linked in our human sojourn. The physical condition of our world is reflected in our collective mental process.
Most pressing, currently, in our physical world, is the impact of a virus on human civilization. Most dominant on the mental plane are an infusion of viral beliefs, currently challenging a cohesive collective agreement on what is reality.
As the physical virus mutates and remains energetically viable, so do the action and energy of viral beliefs that overshadow human thought and relationships. Human efforts to vaccinate and subdue the power of the virus are equally reflected in highly charged emotional efforts, as humans of opposing beliefs seek to reach cohesion via heated persuasive argumentation, a largely futile effort to convert each other.
The backdrop of our current energetic collisions is an energy poised to affect change. The virus clearly seeks to affect major modifications in human behavior. Certainly, the ruling practices of humankind are in need of update to continue supporting life on the planet. Competing, emotionally-charged, clashing beliefs are equally determined to restructure human thought and behavior.
The repetitiveness of human behavior is a slow yet significant technology for evolutionary change. Repetition ultimately accrues to boredom that then sets the stage for a breakthrough of a volatile energy that breaks down the familiar, as it seeks fundamental change. The physical and mental viruses of now are composed of a revolutionary energy so powerful as to hasten this change process and set the stage for a new way of life.
To be alive at this time, in this world, suggests a readiness to participate in such monumental change. Beyond the outer challenge of navigating the viruses amongst us, is the opportunity for great change within the self. The energy of now insists that we examine our core beliefs and open to greater perspectives and possibilities than we’ve previously known.
To be alive in this energy matrix portends great opportunity to change life patterns that have dominated thinking and living, up to this current moment. The seduction to battle for needed change in the outer world exclusively, is to forego a great opportunity for evolution of the Spirit in its journey in infinity.
Take full advantage of the energy of now to achieve full transparency of self, to self, and make needed adjustments on the path of fulfillment.
With patience begin your day, knowing that each moment counts and yet that each moment’s pause allows for necessary change. Change is what creates and evolves. Embrace change and yet move into it with a patient heart, listening for the guidance that tells you when it is time to make a move and when it is time to hold back, for everything has it’s perfect time, it’s perfect moment of birth that will determine its perfect outcome. Let your heart lead you patiently along and all will be as perfect as it should be.
Let your mind be calm, your body relaxed, your breath deep and cleansing as you wake up to a new day. Remind yourself that all is well, that your mind need not conjure, your body not stress, and your breath not labor because all is well. It is only the mind’s ideas that cause stress and tension, ideas that have no actual validity. Go about your day with a new emptiness and freedom, allowing yourself to smile, to breathe, and to think only positive thoughts and affirmations. Begin this way and see what happens, for you already know that the mind is your worst enemy. Make it now your best friend.
Get ready for the big change you’ve been waiting for, for the time has come. Are you ready? It’s in the stars. The planets are aligned and your time of change has arrived. To get in alignment is the easiest and the most difficult thing to do, to say yes is as hard as saying no, even though this is what you want. But the time has come, change has come. Even if you are resistant, change is coming. So relax and enjoy the ride, because even if you don’t relax you will still be going along. It’s up to you how you decide to proceed, but you might want to just go with the flow.