Soulbyte for Tuesday April 14, 2020

Stay in alignment with that which is positive. Be proactive rather than stagnant. Be protective rather than careless. Provide yourself with that which is healthy, nourishing, and good, for body and soul. The soul needs positivity as much as the body does. The inner person needs as much attention as the outer person does, perhaps even more. Attend to the whole self with positivity and an attitude that says, “I deserve, I am worthy, I am beauty, I am love, within and without.” Now that’s positive!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday April 13, 2020

Watch your energy, how you expend it and how you accumulate it. Watch how you let it fritter away in useless activity rather than honing it for use in spiritual matters. A warrior seeks always to hone energy, to explore in dreaming in order to more fully understand the capabilities of the spirit, the human energy body, as it is also known. Once out of the human body it is pure energy, or spirit if you like, a point of awareness, consciousness, and this is what a warrior seeks to fully know, understand, and hone, through experiences, so that there are no suprises in both waking and dreaming life, and so that full consciousness is part of everyday life. This is the warrior’s way. It’s never too later to begin honing and exploring. A warrior knows this, and so a warrior never gives up.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday April 10, 2020

It’s a good time to decide what is essential, what is really necessary in your life. What do you want that is most important, practical, doable, and primarily essential? Is it love? Honesty? Kindness? Or is it things? Objects? Money? Are you on a spiritual path, a path of heart? Or are you more interested in the human path, a path of materialism? No matter the path, it’s time to get down to bare essentials and decide just what it is that you really want, how to get it, and how to be satisfied with just that, the essentials, because it’s time to share, to spread the wealth, to give as much as you take, to treat all with equanimity, no matter the path you choose.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday April 8, 2020

Keep love uppermost in your mind, body, and spirit. Keep love as your uppermost intent, love for all beings, including the transitory, changing self, the self who knows what to do and does it with intent, though perhaps riddled with fear, and the self who does not do what it knows it should do, perhaps overcome with carelessness and abandon. Love will carry you through these trying times no matter which self rules, the strong or the weak. Count on it, count on love. You can’t go wrong.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne