Soulbyte for Monday April 20, 2020

There is a message in everything. In every mistake there is a lesson to be learned just as there is in every victory. In the sounds and synchronicities within a day’s living there are messages to be discovered, the whys, the what fors, and the doings of spirit seeking to guide you to notice, to act, and to be open to all that surrounds you, to all that happens to you, and to all that calls out to you. What are you supposed to learn today? Know that spirit is always calling to you in some way. Be open. Listen. Be patient. But always stay upon your path of heart.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte For Friday April 17, 2020

In times of trial and tribulation, when all seems dark and lost, look always for the gleam of light, for it is there, at the end of the tunnel. Perhaps it is only a pinpoint, but it is slowly growing bigger and brighter. It is showing you the way, the direction to take, reminding you to turn from the darkness and face the light, and find your way to the freedom you seek. A warrior’s path always faces the light, in the direction where freedom lies, for to a warrior, freedom is all that matters.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday April 16, 2020

Return to groundedness each morning from the night’s escapades, from the dreaming darkness to the morning light of a new day. Find your feet again. Set your intent again. And begin anew with certainty that your life and your path matter. Find your spirit and tap into it for what you need, beyond the world and bound to the world that you are. Keep physical self and energetic self in harmony, for that is your goal each day, to be in harmony within the self, the whole self. Begin there.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday April 15, 2020

Stay connected to the light even though there may only be darkness. Stay connected to spirit though there may be no sign. Stay connected to love though it may feel absent. Stay connected to hope though it may seem that all is hopeless. This time too shall pass, though it must first play out its hand, the hand that has been dealt. Rest assured that things will eventually change, the light will come, spirit will revive, love will knock at your door, and hope will show its bright face. All things change. Time by its very essence means change, and now is no exception.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: The Currency of Attention

Sign of the times…

“Pay attention” is a frequently delivered command. Indeed, when we pay with our attention we deliver our energy to the object of our focus. Attention is a powerful energetic currency.

Notice, for instance, the impact on your personal energy when you tune into the news, or some form of social media. The impact can be either depleting or empowering. Either way, we spend our energy in our emotional reaction to the news. That expended energy is delivered, on a subtle level, to the person we are reacting to in the news.

Children, most dramatically, seek our attention. Child educators know that getting attention is the child’s goal, good or bad. Once the child has our attention, they thrive on the energy of our focus, as well as on our emotional reactions. Tantrums are energetic goldmines for the tantruming child.

Even inanimate objects can absorb our energy. A trip to a museum is a case in point. Though fascinating and educational, objects of art demand our attention and can deeply drain our energy. We could say that a sculpture at a museum is imbued with self-importance. Were it not so, it wouldn’t be on display. Be careful how much attention you give it!

Self-importance measures the quantity and quality of attention we are paid for being alive. The ego, as the orphaned ruler of the personality, seeks the attention of others to validate its worthiness. This extrinsic dependency is the consequence of the ego’s separation from its wholeness, at the time of birth into this world. A blank slate seeks the approval of others to find its worth.

Shamans have astutely addressed this energetic stalemate. The fragmentation from Spirit-self, that accompanies finite life in a physical world, has led to obsessive dependence upon the attention of others to replace one’s lost Spirit. This attention-seeking behavior is considered by shamans to be humankind’s greatest energy drain.

Shamans discovered that a shift in focus, like the social isolation the world is currently experiencing, can result in the accrual of vast sums of energy within the self. That energy, combined with the intent to reconnect to one’s Spirit, can result in a deeply healing, inner soul retrieval.

To be connected to the life of one’s Spirit is to become guided by omens, the synchronicities from infinity that guide and inform life; to be in the world but not of the world, at an attention-seeking level. Attention-seeking is then completely replaced by the pursuit of right action, the best decision to be made under the presenting circumstances.

To dance with omens is to feel constantly renewed by participation in a fuller life, one that includes one’s essence, at a cosmic level. Attention received is not attention sought, but it is attention provided to guide the way to right action.

Save the currency of your attention for that which truly guides you to your wholeness. This is the world we are morphing into, a world of interconnected oneness. Let’s attend to that!

Attending Spirit,
