Choose your thoughts wisely. Let go of thinking that is negative, demeaning, critical and judgmental, of thoughts that return you to old places of undesirable self harm, self mischief or self defeat. Instead make your thoughts productive. Turn to positive mantras, prayers and creativity. Turn your mind into a productive processor that benefits yourself and the world around you. Turn your brain onto being a delightful creative machine that is enjoyable to engage. In this manner keep the changes rolling!
Be aware of negative thinking, how you automatically begin the usual pattern of negative self talk, how you can’t seem to shift away from old thoughts simply because they are so ingrained. Investigate them as they arise. Are they actually true? Sometimes they are just old ideas that no longer have meaning or value. Sometimes they point to some other underlying issue that perhaps once had power but no longer does. Combat negativity with positivity and discover that you have indeed changed. Allow things to shift in a new direction because it’s actually the right thing to do.
Watch the words you use to describe yourself so that you don’t constantly reinforce negative ideas. Visualize and speak of yourself in positive terms and watch the transformation that you so long for take place. Words matter, for they define, describe and structure who you are. If you are in need of change, start with your words, the words you use in your head and your heart to describe yourself to yourself. Everything begins and evolves from words. They are magic!
Use the remote to turn on the gas heating stove. The remote beeps, the fire does not ignite. Try it a few more times. Finally change the batteries in the remote, as well as in the receiver in the stove. Press ‘on’ again, still no ignition.
Suddenly, a flash of intuition! There’s a thermostat in the stove! The room is too warm for it to allow ignition. Raise the temperature threshold. Press ‘on’. Ignition!
As with the stove, preset suggestions to the subconscious mind can nullify the manifestation of new suggestions. These pre-settings might originate in karmic spells or choices, genetic predispositions, postnatal conditioning via the socialization that has shaped one’s core belief systems, or unrecognized shadow dynamics generating their own balance/imbalance in the underworld of the personality.
Although our subconscious minds house the materials and facility for the realization of our creative magical intentions, our intent will be ineffective if prior beliefs or hidden agreements contradict our current suggestions. How do I know if I have hidden blocking beliefs?
Begin with this primary question: “Do I believe that anything is possible?”
Does the rational mind permit the possibility that a suggestion can create a reality? Is it willing to suspend its automatic critical judgment and submit that hypothesis to an unbiased experiment?
Spend a half hour a day, for a week, first getting physically relaxed, then stating out loud, or in writing, or both: “Anything is possible.” At idle times during the day, state it again: “Anything is possible.”
After a week, ask yourself this question: “Am I worthy to receive the change I seek?”
Perhaps, for example, you intend your body to be healed. You might discover that though you believe there could be miracles, you also hold the belief that it could never happen for you.
Again, suspend judgment, and write and state for a half hour each day, incessantly: “I am part of everything; I am worthy to receive the change I seek.”
If you notice the emergence of contrary thoughts, state: “I suspend judgment. I am part of everything, I am worthy to receive the change I seek.”
At the end of the week, having established the foundation to suggest a new belief, state directly your intention for change to your subconscious mind.
As before, state and/or write this intention for a half hour per day, as well as throughout the day, at idle moments, when it pops into your mind to do so. Continue to state this suggestion every day with no attachment to the outcome.
Like true scientists, we are not interested in influencing the outcome, even at the level of thoughts. Yes, a suggestion is a thought, but this is a thought experiment, limited to the impact of experimental suggestions. The outcome of the experiment is what is and what becomes, as a result of specific suggestions being recited.
Most likely, our intention will begin to manifest as we continue our practice. However, if we observe no change, we must re-explore the possibility that another preset blocking belief is interfering with our intent.
Perhaps, for instance, I discover, despite my suggestion to the contrary, that my rational mind is the holdout. Secretly, and tenaciously, it doesn’t believe in the spiritual power of words to generate physical happenings.
Assign the rational mind the dutiful task of stepping up to the objective requirement of a true scientific experimenter: NO PREJUDICE.
Include this in the suggestion, as in: “I suspend judgment. No prejudice. I am part of everything, I am worthy to receive the change I seek.” With this new suggestion in place, restart the practice with your intent for change.
Be present to every suggestion you state. Even if your attention strays, continue the rote exercise. The subconscious listens to all suggestions. Suggestions of longer duration make a definite impression. The subconscious does not think; it needs to be impressed upon, given its marching orders.
We are constantly feeding our subconscious daily suggestions through our incessant internal dialogue, which delivers us our familiar sense of self and our unchanging perspective. Deliberate periods of new focused suggestions can eventually override these habituated, stagnated manifestations.
Be careful what you read, listen to, and state inwardly and outwardly. Words and thoughts are suggestions that bombard the subconscious with suggestions that it constantly reacts to. Be extremely sensitive to the words you live by.
As with all psychic powers, hypnotic suggestion can be used for evil as well as positive intent. This is what is called, unfortunately, black magic. We needn’t look very far to see the impact of negative suggestions made by political figures or influencers on social media, and how they destructively impact our world.
The responsible use of suggestion is suggestion that aligns with the values of one’s High Self. The ego, in its highest integrity, must assure that suggestions to the subconscious are for the greater good of self and other. Narcissistic and destructive suggestions, though they may materially eventuate, carry inevitable karmic consequences.
Also consider, however, that shadow and light are both part of the same wholeness. Sometimes destruction is divinely necessary and needs to be lived.
Additionally, if one is dealing with a sub-personality that opposes an ego suggestion to the subconscious, this may undermine a stated suggestion. The work here is to first achieve consensus within the personality before proceeding with the practice of suggestion.
To access the true magic in our being we must be patient, persevering, observing, and light as a feather in the knowing that anything is possible and that we are a part of everything, worthy to receive the changes we seek.
Seek balance within the self first before expecting balance to occur in the world around you. If you are not in balance how can anything else be? Your own inner state does affect the world in both small and large ways. Notice how if you are happy those around you pick up your vibe and experience some of your bliss. If you are in a bad mood that too is noticed and reacted to. This is your secret power, the ability to influence your environment and those around you. Work on keeping in balance so that you may bring harmony and beauty into the world, one small breath, one step and one day at a time.