Tag Archives: positivity

Soulbyte for Friday November 13, 2020

Let every breath be a healing breath, every thought a thought of positive change. Over time, with concerted effort and applied intent, change will happen. One day you will suddenly notice that what you have wished for has arrived, that you are living your dream. Remain upon your path of heart no matter what comes to thwart your progress, no matter the mistakes made or the problems that arise. Remain steadfast, using your healing breath and your positive thoughts with steady intent and let the magic do its work. Don’t give up, for what you seek is close at hand.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday November 11, 2020

Find stability in your own ability to relax your body and still your mind. In heart centered breathing gain control over your thoughts by breathing them out so that the mind is quiet and the body limp. In total relaxation let your heart be your guide. Let its guidance fill you with renewed vigor and rejuvenated hope, with the certainty that all is well when love abounds, when positive thoughts of health and peace stir, and when kindness becomes your motivation. In heart centered breath, let your love shine through, within and without. Let your true loving self live a little bit more each day. You can’t go wrong with loving kindness.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday October 19, 2020

Let bygones be bygones. Begin the day fresh and anew, with heart centered focus on kindness and compassion, with the spirit’s energy of love in every thought, word, and deed. Without malice or fear, step out into the world today a little bit brighter, a little bit lighter, more open to experiencing the love you know lies buried beneath the anger you experience in others and the hatred you see expressed. Underneath the negative the positive seeks the light. Keep that in mind as you go about your day, and seek the same.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday October 6, 2020

Keep a humble heart. A humble heart is a heart that directs the way with love and kindness, that knows the compassionate way, that faces obstacles with humility and hopefulness, that remains positive and yet calm in times of strife and times of peace alike. A humble heart looks upon the self and others as sentient beings on a journey to wholeness and does not discriminate nor judge, for a humble heart knows that everyone is equal and deserving of all that is.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday September 21, 2020

Think positively. Begin anew with positive thoughts, ideas, and words. Begin within the self so that everything about you begins to take on a new attitude of positivity. Change the self in small positive ways so that bigger changes may naturally come about. When thoughts or words turn negative, or to old ideas about the self or others, immediately shift to the positive. In this manner change your reality, one thought and one word at a time. Change yourself with your thoughts and words, and then see what happens in the world around you. One positive person can make a whole world of difference.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne