Tag Archives: positivity

Soulbyte for Friday January 31, 2020

Practice abundance, not in an overt way but from the heart. Practice abundance of heart-centered kindness and compassion. Practice abundance that is nurturing and fulfilling, abundance that helps and supports, abundance that is giving and caring, abundance that is empowering and sustaining. Avoid abundance of taking, depleting, overdoing, over-consuming, or over-neediness. Instead, practice abundance of love.

Sending you an abundance of love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday January 13, 2020

Remain steady upon your path of heart, your path of change, your path of inner resolve, and without fear face your innermost difficulties, that which catches you up and seeks to block your progress, that which turns you back upon your old thoughts, ideas, and beliefs about yourself. You are fully capable of making the changes you desire. You are fully capable of fulfilling your own dreams. You are fully capable of finally taking charge and reforming your own life and yourself into a new life and a new self. You are capable of not only dreaming a new dream but of enacting that new dream, one day and one step at a time. Dream on with your good new dream of you uppermost in your mind, with that good new dream of you filling your heartspace, and with that good new dream of you the positive force behind every act you take. With love and determination, dream on, for you are more than worth it. And without a doubt, you can do it!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity From Jeanne: Times of Change

Change is constant…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Good Morning! Here is our audio channeling for this week, encouraging us all to stay positive and to remember that we are all part of a greater consciousness that only wishes us well. Remember this especially during these times of great change.

Wishing everyone a wonderfully positive week!

Soulbyte for Wednesday May 15, 2019

Find your center, your stable self within yourself, and know that you are enough, that you have within you all that you need to sustain you. Hold yourself accountable, be responsible, but also remain free and open. Without judgment, let your center self guide you to what to do next, to what you need in order to fulfill your life, your Soul’s dream of you. Don’t be afraid of what you learn about yourself, and don’t be afraid of what comes next either. Don’t be afraid of going for your dream of you. Get ready for your spirit to guide you. Remain positive and centered. Life is only just beginning. Every day ends and a new one begins, full of new possibilities. What will today bring? Stay positive.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday May 14, 2019

Keep love in your heart. Though you may easily wish to hate, do not let hate become your mantra, for it will have no good result. Hate will only fester and fume, spoil and rot, bring only calamity and disaster. But love? Love fosters kindness and compassion. Love brings light and beauty, positivity, dignity, healing, and possibility. Where hate fails, love wins. Foster love in all you do and you will live to see the results of your efforts. Love’s feedback is immediate. Try it today. Give a little love.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne