Tag Archives: path of heart

Soulbyte for Thursday October 17, 2019

Stay connected to your healing intent, to your convictions that you are worth the effort, to your dream of a new you. In alignment with all of that, and sure of a higher purpose and greater meaning, find solidity in your life. In keeping with the knowing deep inside of you that your path of heart is the only path for you, continue your journey restrengthening your intent with renewed vigor every day, restating that you matter and that your dream matters. Resolve the issues that hold you back so that you may become fully open and accessible. Lose your regrets and resentments so that you may be truly ready for new experiences. With love, let go of your attachments so that your energy may be truly free to enjoy, explore, and embrace your new dream of you. Keep your intent strong from moment to moment and day to day. Your path of heart will not fail you nor disappoint you, but it’s up to you to stay upon it, to act on your own behalf, and to be the dreamer dreaming the dream of the new you. Dream on, with intent!

Sending  you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday October 4, 2019

Align once again with your intent. Restate your direction and put your feet down upon your path of heart. Let yourself know that you can do it, that you can uphold your conviction to travel the warrior’s path. It is a path of mystery, a path that is largely unknown, and yet it is the most fulfilling journey you will ever take.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday September 30, 2019

A warrior assumes full responsibility for all that happens. A warrior is never a victim but looks instead for the lesson in everything. For a warrior knows that everything is meaningful and that all that occurs in life is meant to provide wisdom, guidance, and insight. A warrior finds the light in everything, even in the darkest of times. A warrior discovers that a path of heart is the most important path to take and thus a warrior pursues that path of heart at all times, taking responsibility for all decisions and actions, making sure nothing is left unfinished. A warrior moves on unencumbered by regret, resentment, or reprisal of any sort, for a warrior knows that to truly travel a path with heart one must be free, thus a warrior knows that a path of heart is a path of freedom.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday September 27, 2019

A warrior uses energy sparingly, honing it, so that it is fully available for what matters. A warrior does not waste time nor energy. Each moment is important, used for the purpose of practicing the skills a warrior values most. Those of the heart: loving kindness and compassion. Those of the mind: intent and will. Those of the body: stillness and action. A warrior seeks always to utilize every moment, in joy and sadness alike, to learn something new about the self and the world. Like a warrior, use your energy wisely. In heart centered intent, let every moment count.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday September 25, 2019

The shift has happened, the time of change; the next phase has begun. Are you in alignment, making changes of your own? Now is the time to attune to the subtitles of this new phase, to more firmly plant new ideas of your own, new possibilities, to passionately pursue new options, to give yourself permission to be new and different, to actually do what you have longed to do. There is no time like now. Seek your passion. Express yourself in a new way. Let your spirit do its thing. Do so with loving kindness, without harm, and with your inner intent firmly focused on what is right, following your path of heart, for all that matters too.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne