Tag Archives: love is the answer

Soulbyte for Monday August 17, 2020

Take care of your body, your vehicle through life. Watch what you put into it, not too much through the mouth, nor too much through the mind. The heart, though, is capable of overflow; it can take more love than you can imagine. It is capable of both giving and receiving in inordinate amounts, for the love of the heart comes from the ethereal realm. Neither human nor human bound, it flows endlessly in earthly realm and spirit realm alike. Do not doubt its power to heal and transform and its desire to do so, but it needs the vehicle of the human heart to extend its gifts far and wide upon the Earth. Love knows no bounds.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday July 21, 2020

It cannot be stressed enough that the antidote to hatred is love. It may sound simplistic to say that love conquers all, that love is the answer, that love is what matters most, but there is in fact no other solution to combat hatred that is as free, as easy to access, and as powerful as the love you all have within you. Not only is it accessible to one person but it is accessible to millions. Give it a try, one person, one heart at a time, and see what it can do. It’s the most practical and lasting answer there is to the troubles that now bind you. Give love a chance.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday June 30, 2020

Let not your sorrows overwhelm you, for they are not your main purpose. Let not your regrets hold you captive, for they are not what is necessary. Let not your fears hold you back, for they are not your intent. Let love carry you forward. Let love fuel your purpose. Let love show you what is necessary. For life is but the means by which to learn. And what are you there to learn? That love is the way. Love is the way!

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday June 17, 2020

Keep the light of hope alive. Keep the light of change alive. Keep the light of prosperity for all alive. Even in the darkest of times do not let the light go out. Keep a spark of spirit always lit within the self. And within that spark keep your love alive, keep your dream of peace and happiness alive, keep your visions of equality and equanimity alive. One day peace will come, justice will come, and love will reign. Keep all that alive.

Sending you love and support,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne