Tag Archives: life as a spiritual journey

Soulbyte for Tuesday October 5, 2021

Remember that you are an infinite being, there to learn and grow. No matter your earthly circumstances that is the core intent of your spirit. And thus, every day is a day of Earth School where lessons are presented, choices made, actions taken; emotions arise, thoughts interfere, and the heart encounters its challenges. All of this is part of your infinite self on its infinite journey. Remember this, and let the magic of your day begin.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday September 29, 2021

Take good care of yourself. Make decisions that promote health and wellbeing so that your spirit may find you of good habitation and companionship, and so that it does not have to wait around for too long to enjoy your company and your life. You are never alone, for your spirit is always with you, your biggest cheerleader, your most admiring friend, your most knowledgeable advisor. Turn inward rather than outward in order to find yourself, for that is where your wholeness resides. You are on a spiritual journey and all that you seek lies within.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday July 27, 2021

Beware of the tendency to forget that you are half spirit, that your spirit self is just as important as your body self and that it needs equal time for rest and work, play and entertainment. Keep your spirit self in good attunement. Pay attention to it, feeding it and nurturing it, exercising it and keeping it in good shape, just as you do with your body self, for both are equally important on your journey through life. And there is only one that you will take with you when you leave, so get to know it now, your eternal self that desires to live and learn, to grow and evolve in all the good ways that you dream of for your physical self. Equal time, equal attention will create the balance your body and spirit so desire as they seek to live in harmony.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday June 30, 2021

A path of heart is one in which the heart leads and spirit shows the way, where ego learns its place and is but a stabling entity rather than an overpowering force. When spirit speaks through the heart, ego steps aside to listen and consider that there may be another and better way. This is ego in alignment with spirit. Turn in the direction of spirit more often and let it guide you to what is right. In this manner no part of you will suffer but all will travel through life knowing they gave it their all on your path of heart.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday June 25, 2021

You are not your mother and your father, nor their fears or desires. You are your own self and in full control of your life, with the capacity to live your own life to the fullest. Let the fathers and mothers recede into the background now as you leave them behind and take over your own life, with your own dreams in the forefront, and with your own inspirations guiding you. No one needs a mother and father except when a child and no mother or father should keep their children close for life. Let them be and let yourself, the once child, fully be as well. All beings are spirit entities having a physical experience, wishing only for fulfillment, doing what they came to do without interference and with the independence to live life according to their own spirit’s plan.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne