Tag Archives: life as a journey

Soulbyte for Monday April 20, 2020

There is a message in everything. In every mistake there is a lesson to be learned just as there is in every victory. In the sounds and synchronicities within a day’s living there are messages to be discovered, the whys, the what fors, and the doings of spirit seeking to guide you to notice, to act, and to be open to all that surrounds you, to all that happens to you, and to all that calls out to you. What are you supposed to learn today? Know that spirit is always calling to you in some way. Be open. Listen. Be patient. But always stay upon your path of heart.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday April 2, 2020

Begin each day anew, with renewed intent to stay upon your path with heart. No matter what has transpired or will transpire, the path with heart is the one to come back to. Return to it each day with renewed vigor, with knowledge learned from the previous day’s encounters with life, and remind yourself that you are a being of worth, worthy also of as much life as the next person. Seek your own life in your own way. Explore that which has meaning for you so that your life’s journey may have not only meaning but purpose. In this manner traverse your path with heart each day, intent upon learning, growing, and experiencing what life is really all about. That is the warrior’s way.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday March 31, 2020

Endings are new beginnings, the start of something new as the old turns, a time of transition. As one thing ends a new thing begins, whether it be a day, a month, a phase of the moon, a journey, a life. Change is natural, the stuff of eternity, infinity, evolution and the ever-changing truth of nature. A warrior expects change and is always prepared so that it does not surprise or overwhelm, accepting it as the next step on life’s journey, and without attachment a warrior moves on, always looking ahead with eagerness for what comes next on the inevitable path toward freedom.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday March 27, 2020

Stay positive. Attitude is everything. A positive attitude overcomes even the most unlikely of foes. When the unimaginable strikes, remember the lessons of the ancestors and the strengths they exhibited in order to not only survive but thrive. A positive attitude never hurt anyone and in fact may be the only antidote to adversity. In times of stress and pain, look inward and pull up the attitude of a warrior, to whom nothing is too much or too challenging, for a warrior keeps a positive attitude through all adversity.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday March 25, 2020

Change is inevitable. It is the inherent law of nature, that which is in everything, part of life. A warrior knows it, owns it, and yet being fully aware of it and the finality of life, operates as if there is all the time in the world, with a young heart and mind, for that is the only way to cheat change, by constantly roiling against it, by in fact refusing to change in its depleting direction, toward the inevitable end of life. A warrior takes life in the opposite direction, toward more energy, fighting every day to remain viable, alive, and in full control of as much energy as possible. That is the warrior’s way. But at the same time, a warrior knows when it is time to change, time to conserve, time to take a new path, to go in a new direction, and for energy’s sake a warrior takes that new path, and with renewed vigor and intent forges onward, without glancing back, for a warrior knows when it is time to face the inevitable truth and move on.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne