Tag Archives: contentment

Soulbyte for Monday June 13, 2022

True prosperity is the accumulation of knowledge. Knowledge is knowing based on experience. Experience is the ability to go with the flow, to allow the self to be affected by life’s unfolding. An accumulation of knowledge by experience of life results in a sense of prosperity that is fulfilling and gratifying. Do not be afraid of life but embrace it fully, both the good and the bad, for that is the way to fulfillment and a sense of peace that is satisfying, leaving the door open to an eagerness for more. Life, enjoy it!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday February 28, 2022

Keep a low profile but a happy heart, a humble presence but loving intentions for all, and a generous spirit with few needs and your life will flow along at an easy pace. It’s the wanting more, the desire for fame, and the need to accumulate that will get you into trouble. When you want and need less, you will find that you actually have all you need, and that is enough.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday April 12, 2021

Slow down. Find meaning in the mundane rather than looking far afield. For it is in the everyday playing out of life that the meaning you seek will be experienced. It is not every day that the extraordinary occurs, but it is in the ordinary and seemingly mundane that the moments of highest meaning will be found, for who has not found the extraordinary in the beauty of a single day, in the sun’s warm light, the flower’s first bloom, the smell of fresh rain, the sound of a bird calling, the gentle touch of fresh grass. Be satisfied with what is, for that is where the Divine lives.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday March 2, 2021

Seek contentment. Contentment arises in finding and maintaining balance between body and spirit, between Earthly desires and Spiritual needs, between that which entices and that which satisfies. The body may seek as much as the spirit to entice you to that which is fulfilling, but whose needs are more important? Both! They are both equal and both necessary, and both require attention and support. Do not neglect one for the other but seek balance. Get to know each one intimately. In so doing know the Self, the Whole Self, and thus achieve contentment.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday December 1, 2020

Be the love you seek. Become within that which you seek without so that you reflect back to yourself that which you wish from another. Be the loving beam of light in the darkness, the one who is the bringer and the giver, and all will be well. Contentment, love, and peace will exude from you and indeed all will be as you wish, within and without. You are the answer you seek. Everything lies within you, waiting for you to become it.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne