Tag Archives: life as a journey

Soulbyte for Friday December 11, 2020

You never know what may happen or how life will reveal itself to you each day, but you can set your intentions for a heart centered experience no matter what happens. To discover that you are not in control is a big lesson, but to discover the power of intent is equally big. Use your power of intent not to control your life or to produce a desired outcome but to guide you on your path of heart, so that your heart remains steady, your mind clear, and your physical self calm as you take your journey through life. You’re already on the journey, so you might as well learn to go with the flow. It’s really the only way to proceed without judgment or regret, to fully embrace and enjoy every minute of the journey that you are on with a humble and open heart. Go with the flow.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday November 5, 2020

Patient waiting calls for detachment from outer events so that when the time of renewal comes all is calm and energetically prepared for an easy birth. New life is naturally preceded by a state of inner silence. Like the seed that eventually bears flowers and fruit, first it must sit calmly in its casing and wait for each stage of emergence. So is it necessary in the lives of the human being to take into account that there will be such times of patient waiting preceding all new stages of growth. Wait patiently in heart-centered knowing that indeed times are always changing, that new life is making headway, and beauty is sure to come again.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday October 29, 2020

Let not depression get you down or sweep you off your feet but keep it at a distance, an entity you have no use for, like a wolf circling its prey. Though it may point out an issue to tackle or a direction your inner journey must take do not let it be your journey. Turn to the reason for the depression and face that instead. Is it something outside of you or something inside of you that causes it? It is worth your time and energy or best left to its own devices? Is it something only you can resolve or something that someone else must tackle? Sometimes the things that depress are teachers that come to guide. With gratitude and thanks, face the truth and resolve your grief, your sorrow, your sadness and let your guides and teachers show you that life is an evolving journey of spirit, the Self that knows exactly what to do and how to do it. With loving kindness for this Self, take life one day and one step at a time, accepting the lessons to be learned. Eventually, all will be well again.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday October 6, 2020

Keep a humble heart. A humble heart is a heart that directs the way with love and kindness, that knows the compassionate way, that faces obstacles with humility and hopefulness, that remains positive and yet calm in times of strife and times of peace alike. A humble heart looks upon the self and others as sentient beings on a journey to wholeness and does not discriminate nor judge, for a humble heart knows that everyone is equal and deserving of all that is.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday August 14, 2020

Let not your fear control you but be open to new ideas and a new direction for your life. For what else would delight your spirit more than heading in a new direction full of adventure? Let not fear guide you, but turn toward trust and love instead. Find your heart center, your connection to everything good, and let it teach you about trust and love. Let it show you what awaits. It will not fail you, for it is love itself that awaits you, and love does not fail, it only fulfills.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne