Tag Archives: individuation

Soulbyte for Friday August 2, 2019

You have been preparing for this moment, for this day, for this time your entire life. Everything has led you here to now, to this moment on your journey. Knowing that, know also that you are well prepared for it and all that it entails. You have the strength, the courage, and the fortitude it takes to get through any challenge. The entire universe is behind you, supporting you, cheering you on, letting you know that you are loved and cherished and that every step of your journey has been planned and prepared for you to learn and grow. Hold yourself accountable, knowing that you are important, that your progress matters, and yet that you also are in charge, as much as any other force in your life, because ultimately you are responsible for where you go next and how far you go with what you have been gifted. With that awareness, take your next step. And with loving kindness and compassion for yourself, journey on.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday August 1, 2019

Accessing the spiritual self and staying connected to it is far easier than you think. Once found it is not forgotten and can be found again, even after long absences. It’s the physical self that presents problems. It’s the physical self that needs work and constant attention. It’s the physical self that must work so hard to change. It’s the physical self that requires focus and careful prodding every day if change is to occur. Complacency comes easily, as does reaching for the familiar comforts, the habits of a lifetime. Breaking with the ingrained traditions of the physical self takes the strength and courage of a mighty warrior. Have no doubt that you are such a warrior. Call upon your mighty warrior self as you take your journey of change, as you slay the old habits, and as you forge a new path. You are certainly capable, and the goal is certainly worth the effort—the evolution of a new you! Don’t stop now!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Awe Over ARMAGEDDON

What’s next? Volcano, new dawn, or both?
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

As if regressing America to its glory days of industrial giants and fossil fuels weren’t enough, we now have England being spurred to reinstate the dominance of the British Empire. Thank you, Hindu science, for the framework of Kali Yuga as a rational framework with which to understand this fantastical end of an era.

Never underestimate the value of a psychological defense. Of course, defenses obscure reality, but they do provide a perch to rest some cohesion of self upon, especially as we absorb the impact of the meteor of now.

In shamanic nomenclature, we are all experiencing a blow to the world assemblage point, that collective agreement that has for so long provided us with the consensus reality we have known as our world. The impact, however, is not Armageddon, unless one chooses that interpretation. The alternative is to choose awe in the face of sheer magic.

Indeed, the fanciful tricksters in charge now are the circus sideshow performers that incite and attempt to fixate our attention with their boastful charades, but they are not the main event. True, they have some hypnotic powers to peddle their versions of a new assemblage of reality, but their efforts are really just fleeting distractions.

The main event is Nature herself, as she rapidly reshapes the face of the Earth. Denial is one masterful defense. Indulge it while you can, but its foothold is shaking in its boots. At its core, even the human animal senses the mighty changes afoot.

The gift of now is the opportunity for fulfillment in this time of completion, for that is what we are dealing with now, the completion of one cycle before the beginning of the next. As our illusions shatter, the shadow comes to light. Who really could deny that the dark side of the shadow is having its day? But enough of that, it’s actually becoming boring.

Indeed, all must face the suppressed, the repressed, and the fullness of the unknown and unloved self. Nature, in her fullness, demonstrates the way now: from the sunlight of the day to the darkness of the night, it’s time to accept and integrate the dark side of the moon. That which creates also destroys. Without destruction we’d be stuck, replaying Shangri-La forever.

On the other hand, can we face and realize the golden side of our own shadow? The energy of now, in this time of completion, is shattering the limiting beliefs that have held us back from truly growing into the fullness of our beautiful selves.

Fear, doubt, shame, and inertia have provided safe places in our old world habitat, but the new world we are entering is a world governed by the magic of intent. Intend it and it will be so. Intend to realize the fullness of you and allow the energy of now to shape and materialize that dream.

Don’t be fooled by the destruction of now. Without clay, the potter’s wheel cannot throw us a bowl. Our Earth is simply spinning and reformatting its clay. Our intent is the architectural blueprint for our place in the coming new world.

Do your part. Keep it simple. Take full advantage of the gift of now. Face and reconcile with your personal darkness, then allow yourself to become your golden loving self, fulfilled to the brim.

It truly is all about intent. Intend awe over Armageddon!



Soulbyte for Tuesday July 30, 2019

Keep upon your path of change, your path of heart, no matter what comes to thwart your progress, even if you feel you have made a mistake. In truth, there are no mistakes upon a path of heart, for it is the intent of the heart that is the driving force and that does not change if it is the heart’s true intent. And thus there are really no wrong choices, only choices that challenge, choices that confront, choices that ask you to make another new decision that will move you onward, one day and one step at a time, having learned from your previous day’s decisions. If you have made a decision, it must be the right one, so deal with it; use it to your full advantage to keep you focused upon your path of heart. And don’t forget, a path of heart is a loving path, a path of kindness and compassion, and so utilize all of its characteristics for your own good. For who matters more than you upon your path of heart? Accept that learning too is the intent of a path of heart. Every day is another day to learn something new.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday July 22, 2019

Seek balance, within and without, in body and spirit, in what you do and what you think. Limit your thinking. Instead, let spirit lead, let body inform, and let intuition find its rightful place in your life. Set limits on old thoughts and ideas that merely hold you back, that keep you from experiencing life’s fullness, and allow your spirit to guide you forward without the limits of labels and set ideas but with openness to something new. Focus on the idea that you are energy, first and last, and that is who you truly are, and that is what inhabits your body, a vibrant energy being seeking vibrant life within you. Seek balance of this vibrant energy being within the physical self. Get those two right with each other, body and spirit, and all will be well.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne