Tag Archives: heartcenteredness

Soulbyte for Thursday March 7, 2019

Center within. Like the calm eye of a storm hold yourself accountable by becoming quiet within, calm and at peace, no matter what is happening outside of you. Your own steadiness matters above all else, for if you are calm those nearest and dearest remain calm. All energy around you responds to your energy, and so it is only right and proper to be the steady calm center to which all other energy gravitates. As within, so without. As with you, so with those closest to you, human, animal, plant; even the invisible energy in a room will respond in like manner to the power of your own energy. Use your energy wisely and well, for good, for peace, calm and heart-centered love, and all will be well.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday February 28, 2019

Let your heart be quiet and still as you face the oncoming time and all it brings, as you face the truth of the times you live in, knowing that in heart centeredness your days will be content, your actions good, and your intentions pure. In heart centeredness do the right thing, no matter the pressure to do otherwise, for the times call for new balance, for the good to overpower the evil, for indeed evil is alive and well. Stand with that which is good and strengthen that good core within yourself so that good may reign outside of you as well, so that your actions may have an impact far beyond the confines of your own body and mind. It all begins with you taking your own heart centered stand, strengthening your own inner knowing that, no matter what happens, good is always the heart’s choice and so will it always remain.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday February 27, 2019

Contrary to popular opinion, it may not always be best to push through every storm, to attack with aggression, or to unconsciously weather through that which blocks the way or presents barriers or interferences. Often a gentler approach, a consciously adopted wait-and-see attitude is the proper method of attack. This does not imply weakness but stresses that often the most hardened attitude is felled not by greater force but only by the unseen forces of love, kindness, and compassion. Sometimes strength should be a last resort. Sometimes the only persuasion needed is the right kind of energy touching at the heart level. Sometimes patient waiting in heart centered energy is the right action, even in the most violent of times. Let heart centered decision making become your own norm so that patient waiting also becomes your norm when right action is called for that is out of the norm. Sometimes doing nothing more than calling upon the energies of good is the best action. From heart to heart, may all find their way to right action that is loving and kind and all-inclusive. And through it all, keep a positive attitude.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday February 14, 2019

Let love surround you and bind you to its intent to bring peace and calmness to all that is. Let love find its way to you from without and from within, meeting you on the single strong line of its intent. Love is the universal SOUL that permeates all that lives, the energy of your own spirit, the intention of your own life. The purpose of your own existence is to find this universal love and align with it, to experience its oneness. Let love in and know its fullness in this way, as natural as the full moon, as the bright sun, as the air you breathe. Love simply is. Let love in so that you may be more fully capable of letting love out, one breath at a time. Breathe love. Be love. What more could you ask for? It’s not what you get but what you give. That’s real love.

-Happy Valentine’s Day from the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday February 12, 2019

Let your love flow. Like waves on the shore, let your love flow. Like rain from the sky, let your love flow. Like sunlight from the heavens, let your love flow. Like gentle breeze, let your love flow. Nothing is more natural. Nothing is more appropriate. Nothing is more beautiful. In all circumstances, let your love flow. Love is always appropriate, and yet how inappropriate that it is so rarely called upon, scarcely shared. Let your love flow. It’s so simple and yet so powerful. Everyone understands it. It’s the universal language, shared by all beings. Begin a new conversation. Let your love flow.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne