Tag Archives: guidance

Soulbyte for Thursday June 10, 2021

Keep moving in a positive direction, keeping the flow of your energy moving in an upward spiritual ascent. Protect it and keep it safe from outside negative, needy, or intrusive energies. Protect yourself so that your diligent progress in a positive direction is not interrupted. Keep safe from energetic depletion and negativity whether from outside or inside. If your energy becomes compromised so does your path of heart. Protect yourself so that your intent remains strong and your progress steady. At first, it may require nerves of steel and withdrawal from outer influences as you make incremental progress, but pretty soon you will be moving along in leaps and bounds. Change is good!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday June 4, 2021

No worries. The worst thing you can do to yourself and your lovely spirit is to worry. Worry gets you nowhere. You just sit still spinning your wheels. Far better to use your energy in hooking into your spirit, asking it to guide you and show you what to do with your mind, that which wants to attach to something, anything, just to keep busy. Let your spirit calm your mind and empty it, and then be okay with an empty mind. For if your mind is empty your heart is full, and that’s the best way to be, full of love!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday May 31, 2021

Hold steady in times of change and transformation, and remain upon the path of evolution, for is that not why you exist? To evolve? Everyone is spirit-in-matter and every spirit’s intent is to learn and to grow in Earth School, to find new purpose and meaning, and to learn the true meaning of love. Set about each day with these things in mind and allow yourself to take the changing path before you, the one your spirit has chosen and guides you upon, your true path of heart, a path of healing and growth, a path of love.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday March 11, 2021

An accumulation of lessons learned compile into an abundance of truths. With truths, one finally has something to go on, something to trust, for it is only truths that one can count on. The truths of oneself are the basis for processing the past and proceeding into the future. The truths of oneself are the basis for new directions, a path of heart perhaps. Face the truths that emerge from life’s lessons and let them guide you forward now into the present moment with new eyes, ears, and voice. Seeing, hearing, and speaking truths of wisdom, guide yourself onward into new life. You can’t go wrong with your own truths; they are all that matter.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne