Tag Archives: evolution

Soulbyte for Tuesday November 24, 2020

Keep  hope on the rise even though all is not yet firmly set. Keep love in your heart even though the end is not in sight. Keep kindness at your fingertips even though there is still plenty to fear. But do not attach to that which you fear or worry about. Keep focused instead on that which you wish and hope for; for love to return as the guiding light, for kindness to reign and compassion to offer its healing balm. All these things are possible. Everything is possible.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday November 16, 2020

Have patience. During times of patient waiting it may seem as if nothing is happening to further things along but rest assured, behind the scenes there is much that is being done. Things are aligning, getting right, being set so that in an instant it may appear that everything changes. Remain patient, knowing that all is being done that can be done and that even mountains can be moved if everything is done right. Help is on the way. Rest assured of that, but remain calm in the interim, for your own energy is vitally important for a rapid and smooth transition when the time of patient waiting is over and the good energy will flow again.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday November 5, 2020

Patient waiting calls for detachment from outer events so that when the time of renewal comes all is calm and energetically prepared for an easy birth. New life is naturally preceded by a state of inner silence. Like the seed that eventually bears flowers and fruit, first it must sit calmly in its casing and wait for each stage of emergence. So is it necessary in the lives of the human being to take into account that there will be such times of patient waiting preceding all new stages of growth. Wait patiently in heart-centered knowing that indeed times are always changing, that new life is making headway, and beauty is sure to come again.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday October 26, 2020

Seek solace in knowing that all will be well, that the dust will settle, that the outer turbulence will come into stillness, that the inequality will gain balance, that the inner unease will grow calm. In time, as in nature, things evolve. The laws of nature will prevail and that which now troubles will be gone, as the night goes into day, as the storms pass on into quiet, as the seasons pass through, one to the next. So does everything change. Keep hope in knowing the laws of change. Keep love in the heart and sobriety in the mind. Keep kindness on the tongue and compassion in hand, for this time too shall pass on into something new.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday October 2, 2020

Keep a strong heart and a firm hand no matter what comes to shake your world. Though there may be turmoil and strife, natural and manmade, though there may be cataclysmic and apocalyptic events that no one can stop, remain strong hearted and firm handed, so that all is not lost, so that with your strong heart and your firm hand goodness and kindness may prevail, so that love and compassion may rise up as the leaders of the future, so that a new beginning, based upon that which is truly right for all, may provide the necessary fodder for prosperity and freedom in a future designed for all to prevail with dignity, respect, and loving kindness at its core.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne