Tag Archives: evolution of spirit

Chuck’s Place: A Life Of No Self-Importance

Secret Service…

Soon after my wife, Jeanne, left this world she communicated a cosmic perspective on our Earth’s crises. Essentially, she described a tremendous backlog of souls, clamoring to reenter earthly existence to further their experience of physicality and the sensuality of being in a human body.

Her new mission in infinity is to hasten the spiritual evolution of those still in human form that they might be ready, upon departure from Earth, to venture further into the greater mystery of evolved life, beyond attachment to the human body. Her guidance, channelled through Jan’s daily Soulbytes, reflects this intent.

Carl Jung, from the perch of a wise, fully lived life, saw that the greatest problem for humanity was overpopulation, as it alone is fatally straining the Earth’s resources. Our current Earth crises all reflect land disputes driven by sprawling populations, or diminished resources resulting from climate change and failures in human management.

The issue of overpopulation strains our world at both a soul level and a physical level. At an individual level, we are all now, in this life, granted the opportunity to address this Earth and this cosmic crisis through our commitment to a spiritual fulfillment in this life, which will eventuate in a readiness for new levels of life beyond Earth’s riches.

The shamans of ancient Mexico saw clearly that the greatest opportunity for spiritual evolution in human life was through the defeat of the ego’s obsession with its own self-importance. Self-importance is not self-esteem. Self-esteem is the ability to approach life with innocence, unsullied by the judgments of others.

Self-importance is rooted in self-doubt. The ego tries to resolve its doubts about its worthiness through the quantity and quality of attention it receives from others. It tends to either inflate itself with superiority or deflate itself with inferiority. This obsession leads to struggles with entitlement, fairness, and victimhood.

The shamans of ancient Mexico discovered the value of interactions with petty tyrants in our lives in overcoming our trials with self-importance. Petty tyrants are people or circumstances that offend us.

However inappropriate the behavior of another is, to be offended triggers issues of unfairness and victimhood. Mastery of one’s actual presented challenge then gets waylaid by feelings of resentment and entitlement. Though it may be necessary to set boundaries, the burden of negative thinking and feeling compromises one’s ability to respond effectively.

At the deepest level, nature itself has a hostile side. Petty tyrants are part of nature. Consider the devastations in Maui, Afghanistan and, most recently, Acapulco. Of what value would it be to be offended by an earthquake, a hurricane, or a fire? Their occurrence, however devastating, is simply objective, requiring focused rescue efforts. At the deepest level, is not nature showing us that we must all come together and master the real problem of human overpopulation?

Instead, self-importance allows us to be offended and to engage our vital energy and resources on wars. Boundaries must be set, respected and defended, but being offended leads to excesses that perpetuate conflict and miss the true mark of needed change.

To not be offended by those who hurt us is to accept and learn from the hostile side of nature, in whatever form it is expressed. By not being offended, we refine our ability to respond with actions in alignment with the truth of Spirit versus the resentment of ego. This is the spiritual evolution that graduates us from Earth School, as we move into a life of no self-importance.

Buddha emphasized the role of service in facilitating spiritual advancement. In service, we reach beyond the ego’s narcissistic worldview and value our neighbors as part of our ultimate soul group. The most refined practice of service is anonymous. To live a life of anonymous service is the ultimate life of no self-importance.

Anonymous service is good deeds performed in the dark, where there is no possibility of the kudos of another’s attention. To send one’s healing intent to another in silent prayer, no energetic strings attached, is anonymous service. To send that healing intent anonymously to one’s most hated enemies is practicing transcendent love, the currency of higher planes of existence.

Of course, when we send healing intent to another, we are really sending suggestions telepathically to their subconscious minds. It is always up to the receiver to take responsibility for the suggestions they choose to live by. Nonetheless, it is of great service to anonymously send suggestions from the truth of the heart.

With the refinement of no self-importance, we are irresistibly drawn to the challenge and growth potential of the life that is available beyond the human form.

May we take full advantage of the petty tyrants currently active and soon to come upon the Earth. To arrive at a non-offended life of secret  service is the ticket to spiritual evolution, reachable through the loss of self-importance. Nature herself is leading us to that necessary advancement.

May we all advance,

Soulbyte for Thursday October 26, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Remain focused on the intent of your spirit. And what is that? It is to grow and evolve through life and interaction, through challenge and defeat, through joy and success. Each day is another opportunity for you and your spirit to grow, and through the challenges that arise, to advance, in both this world and the next. Your job is to stay aligned with that purpose, to learn that you are more than just a human physical being, and to try to remember why you are here. Let your spirit be your guide like never before. Accept this part of yourself, your infinite self, and know that you are always in good hands.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday August 30, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Focus on staying upon your intended path, the one that your spirit has pointed out to you, that feeds not only your ego but also your soul. It’s easy to follow ego alone, to go for what it wants and to forget that you are more than that or that anything else matters. But when you turn from ego, what else is there? Only the most important aspect of your makeup—your spirit that longs to connect and live life with your ego, to share in the glory and the defeat, the highs and the lows, and to grow by experience. Turn more often in your spirit’s direction and ask it for guidance as you seek balance and as you yearn for something new. It will not disappoint you!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Be At Peace With It All

At peace in reconciled wholeness…
-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Interconnectedness and oneness are the underlying truths of our spirit being. However, incarnation as a physical person is a journey of separateness, as we are born into a world of self and other. This world of distinctly separate objects offers a journey of evolution, where consciousness and knowledge grow, and creativity flourishes.

Nonetheless, evolution ultimately devolves into involution, where all that has been separated rejoins in the enhanced wholeness of ultimate oneness. At present, our journey of separateness is peaking, as expressed in the incessant clashes of nature’s storms and in polarized human interaction.

It is obvious that the solution to the warring elements of now is a movement toward oneness, where the true needs of the greater whole become the working intent of the world. How long this process will take, how much more destruction will be required, remains an open question, but be at peace in knowing that we move toward oneness.

The Age of Aquarius is upon us, a time of great spiritual advancement. The prelude to WW1 was the birth of Spiritualist and Theosophical movements, where the spirit world made physical contact with human awareness. WW1 brought forth a wave of channeling, with souls recently departed from human form sharing their experiences.

Current times are replete with Near-Death Experiences (NDE’s) and Out-of-Body Experiences (OBE’s), further advancing human awareness to experiencing its foundational spiritual essence, with life in human form understood as simply a season of its soul’s continued life. Great calamities appear to be the necessary balance for advanced spiritual realization. Be at peace with it all.

Knowledge of self as a spiritual being completely shifts one’s relationship with the physical world. With it comes the ability to manifest one’s intent  through spiritual practice. The ability to heal and communicate at a distance, the ability to travel through mere thought, and the ability to transcend DNA programming through mastery of the subconscious mind are all human potentials coming on line. Be at peace with it all.

Knowledge of the underlying oneness of everything—which includes the bully who outrages us the most—equips us with a tool to hasten our evolution. Knowing that everything is a part of you, ask yourself: “Who is that being I can’t stand, or am so afraid of, inside of me?” Find the enemy within yourself. Value it and find loving compassion for it.

Reconciling a polarization within the self advances relationships outside of the self, as projection of the unwanted shadow ceases. This does not mean that the bully without may not need to be confronted, but when the shadow is reconciled within the self then the confrontation with the bully becomes only what is necessary, with an absence of malice. Be at peace with it all.

The title of this blog is from guidance attributed to Cochise, a powerful Apache leader, who battled with a changing world as Mexico and America encroached upon indigenous lands. May we all be such impeccable warriors, and, “be at peace with it all.”

In Peace,

Soulbyte for Tuesday March 28, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Why so angry? Why so resentful? Why so sad? Look at the world as your spirit’s playground, as the school of your choice, as the challenge you decided upon once long ago in another time. You came to Earth to do exactly what you are doing in order to spiritually advance your Soul along its eternal path. You are not a victim of your life but the instigator of it. Hold yourself to a high standard every day while also holding in your heart the knowledge that you are learning lessons you need to learn and that you relish. Remember your ultimate goal. The memory of it lies within you. Once you discover it, your anger and resentfulness and sadness will become the greatest secrets to your evolution and the most promising insights to your future joy.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne