Let yourself be still more often, quiet of heart and mind, unburdened of the vicissitudes of life in human form. Step back and feel the flow of life energy in you without attachment to the problems of the world. Know yourself in this form, as energy visiting Earth for a time, seeking to do something no one else has yet done, seeking to be you in your own unique way. Let yourself bask for a few moments in this energy being self who moves and sees, who knows and experiences as no human body can. Let yourself go for a moment. And then return quietly and comfortably back into your day.
I have always viewed trauma as an unsolicited invitation into a shamanic journey. The traumatic impact of Covid-19 is the world’s usher into our current collective shamanic journey.
Shamanic journeys lead us to discover our greater energetic potential, beyond the familiarity of everyday life, life currently on world pause. We have been launched into Mother Earth’s healing crisis. We are all from her and of her, in physical form. How could we not be in a healing crisis as well?
The world as we knew it was simply not sustainable. It was time for an intervention, a course correction. The world will survive this crisis, but it will never be the same, nor will we ever be the same. Let us ride this healing intent with courage and love, for all!
For most infected by the virus their journeys through fever and breath may take them through challenging encounters with fear and uncertainty. Stay calm, with the full intent of healing, as you prepare to land on the safe shores of renewed physical life.
For some, this will be their definitive journey into life beyond the physical body. For those on that final leg of their physical sojourn, keep your awareness keen and facing forward, as you launch into a whole new realm of possibility. No need to look back; we are all right behind you in our inter-dimensional energetic connectedness. How could we all not meet again?
We are being asked to take this journey as solitary beings, remaining connected virtually. This is a form of energetic connection, a gateway to the energy body we journey with in our dreams.
Carlos Castaneda once commented that true poverty was being too attached to wanting objects. We are in a time when our collective object hunger is being asked to turn to energetic connection. This is great training to evolve beyond object dependence.
That dependence has depleted Mother Earth, and so, she leads us now to evolve into greater fulfillment in our energetic connectedness. This is the shamanic journey of transformation we are all currently living. Embrace your solitary being in energetic solidarity with all other beings. We are all in this magical world together.
Remind yourself often that you are energy, an energetic being capable of so much more than you think, than what you tell yourself constantly, and what others perceive you as. As an energetic being you are incredibly light and fluid, rather than densely human and heavy, without limitation. First and foremost, you can easily communicate on an energetic level. You do this already without realizing it. Pay more attention to how this happens. Energetic communication with others is easily achieved. Think of someone or some thing and wait for feedback. Let your energetic self be more fully part of your life. See what happens as you open up to this other side of yourself, your energy being self!
We’re all just energy beings… – Photo by Jan Ketchel
In today’s audio channeling we are instructed to get into alignment with what we all truly are: energy. A different perspective on what this all means is presented, equally challenging and freeing.
Wishing everyone a wonderful and energetically fulfilling week!
Exchanges of energy happen all the time. Your awareness upon another person stirs their awareness of you. Your thoughts upon what must be done stirs energy to support or thwart your efforts. Ideas percolating stir the energy of creativity to meet your own creative energy. Positive energy stirrings happen all the time, but so do negative energy stirrings. Become aware of your inner energy stirrings, of where you are placing your energy. Is it in a positive or a negative direction? It is not necessary to simply reject all negative stirrings but to work with what comes, turning the negative into energy that will work for you in a positive way. The main thing to remember is that your energy is being exchanged somewhere in the thoughts and fixations of the mind, sometimes helpful, sometimes not. Watch your energy fixations today and see what happens as you pull your energy inward, back into yourself, or as you let it go outward in other directions. You may notice that you are more in control of it than you realize because, yes, you are a being comprised of energy!