Soulbyte for Thursday July 12, 2018

Exchanges of energy happen all the time. Your awareness upon another person stirs their awareness of you. Your thoughts upon what must be done stirs energy to support or thwart your efforts. Ideas percolating stir the energy of creativity to meet your own creative energy. Positive energy stirrings happen all the time, but so do negative energy stirrings. Become aware of your inner energy stirrings, of where you are placing your energy. Is it in a positive or a negative direction? It is not necessary to simply reject all negative stirrings but to work with what comes, turning the negative into energy that will work for you in a positive way. The main thing to remember is that your energy is being exchanged somewhere in the thoughts and fixations of the mind, sometimes helpful, sometimes not. Watch your energy fixations today and see what happens as you pull your energy inward, back into yourself, or as you let it go outward in other directions. You may notice that you are more in control of it than you realize because, yes, you are a being comprised of energy!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

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