Tag Archives: balance

Chuck’s Place: It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way

While fears inhabit Spirit waits…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

The word habit derives from the Latin word habitus, which means clothing or outer attire. In fact, the clerical attire of monks and nuns are actually called habits. Habit is thus a persona, which actually covers the real person. We are not our habits.

And yet, the word inhabit insists that to live in, or occupy a space, one must inhabit it. When a Spirit takes on life in human form, it must conform to the habits of that form.

At a core level, habits are instincts and archetypes that govern life in human form. These limitations control the expression of the life essence of Spirit while it resides in human form, but does not reflect the fullness of Spirit.

The shamans of ancient Mexico discovered that humans were not limited to one habitual form. Their version of shapeshifting involves the embodiment of a set of habits unique to another species. They utilize the practice of specific physical movements, called magical passes, and dreaming to accomplish these shifts. Some shamanic groups use power plants or psychedelics to facilitate these alternative perceptual experiences.

The shamans of ancient Mexico also emphasize the practice of recapitulation, or life review, to free oneself of habits that have crusted over one’s core identity and embedded it in a negative belief system. When we face our most feared issues, our energy is liberated from the constriction of defensive behaviors, allowing us to explore new possibilities of being.

The channel, Monitor, has suggested that the original intention was for the human body to live healthily until the human Spirit, that took up residence in it, had fulfilled its purpose in coming into human form. When, however, fears are suppressed and locked into body armor, the  vitality of the physical body is overtaxed, shortening its duration and ability to serve Spirit’s intent.

Humankind has currently inhabited many fears that result in belief systems that expect illness. It doesn’t have to be this way. If we truly neutralize our fears, our life essence is freed to exercise its creative potential and create the life we intended when we first inhabited human form.

The shamans of ancient Mexico fully accepted that they were beings who would ultimately die. They also discovered that they could fulfill their intention for life in human form and simply burn from within when it was time for Spirit to move on. The implication, beyond this metaphor, is that, freed of our fears, we can exercise tremendous control over the course of our living and dying.

The best preventive for illness is to create the life that aligns with our Soul’s intent. Of course, sometimes illness is integral to our Earth School tour, to advance the growth of our Soul. However, very often, illness is the byproduct of stuck fear.

Release of habits of fear redefine the human body and unleash the creative human Spirit. That’s the way it truly can be.


Soulbyte for Monday January 8, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Balance, achieved first within the self, will bring balance to the world. Each person has the capacity to change the world by first changing the self, by first getting the self into a balance that is neither excessive nor inflated, neither spare nor deflated but of good even tone so that the personal energy is nurturing and supportive, helpful and stable for all systems of the body, the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. As the self comes into right balance everything around the self will also come into balance. It’s as simple as that. Begin with the self. There is no greater goal at this time. Heal the self and you will heal the world.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday December 22, 2023

-Artwork © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Maintain balance in all you do so that your body, mind and spirit are in balance as well. Make decisions based on whether something is right for you, whether it will keep you in balance, or at least not take you too far off so that it is difficult to reset. Sometimes the body says no in dramatic ways and sometimes its communications are more subtle. Get to know your body so you are aware of how it communicates to you on a daily basis. To maintain balance is to offer yourself a smooth ride through life, with enough energy to do the things that really matter to you. For when you are engaged in something that you are passionate about you might notice that you have all the energy in the world. And, thus, you learn what it really means to be in good balance.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday November 27, 2023

-Artwork © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Maintain stability within and without, on all levels of self, spiritual, mental, physical and emotional. Establish a stable body and mind, as well as stability of your inner self so that no matter where you are or what you are doing you never lose a sense of balance. Stability within the self will naturally bring stability to every encounter, every challenge, every situation that arises. With stability comes a sense of having arrived. And when that sense of having arrived is well anchored then nothing will disturb you. As within, so without.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday November 14, 2023

-Artwork © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Balance within will bring balance without. If you are in balance within yourself that balance will extend naturally from you to all you interact with in your world. If you are calm, you can expect calmness in return. If you are compassionate, you can expect compassion to greet you. If you smile, others smile. When you are at peace within there will be peace without. What you are resonates. Keep this in mind as you go into your day and as you interact with people and pets, as you encounter emotions and feelings, and as you seek a loving and peaceful world, As within, so without.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne