Tag Archives: ask and you shall receive

Soulbyte for Wednesday December 2, 2020

Though you may often feel alone,  you are not alone, for you are supported, protected and loved by unseen forces, by beings who wish only the best for you. Though not aware of these beings, they care deeply about you, about your life and your progress, about your decisions and choices. They long for you to know them and yet they do not judge or condemn you for your lack of knowledge of them. They only love you the more. Get to know them by reaching out, by speaking to them and asking for their guidance. They will respond. Make this your new practice; each day, ask and you will receive.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday November 10, 2020

No matter who you are or what is going on in your life there are protectors and guides watching over you. You may not feel or see them but they are there, keeping your best interests in mind. Tap into them by asking for help and guidance, for them to show you where to go next and what decisions to make, especially when the way seems unclear. You are being watched over, loved and cared for in more ways than you know. Accept this fact with innocence and loving kindness in your heart and learn to trust that it is so, for that is the greatest gift you could give yourself, the trust in something greater that truly does have your best interests in mind at all times. With gratitude and openness, trust in that!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday January 30, 2020

Take care of the body for it is the only one you get. The spirit is eternal but it too needs care, for it is so often neglected and forgotten, as life in the body dominates. Let the body have its needs in order to survive and thrive, but don’t forget to keep the spirit alive as well, giving it as much attention as the body, keeping it present and active in your life. It needs care and nurturing too, that invisible you that only wants to be known and trusted, for it has treasures to give and wisdom to impart from its eternal home. Ask your spirit to guide you. Learn to trust it, for it holds knowledge for your body as well as your soul. Just ask.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday January 28, 2020

When you ask for help so do with the expectation that you will receive. Trust in and know that there are helpers galore. State your intent, declare your need, with heartfelt vigor, and know that indeed you will be provided with all you need. Such is the work of the spirit within you connecting with the spirit of greater intent that supports all living life, of which you are all a part. Be intent.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday January 23, 2020

When you need help don’t be afraid to ask for it. Trust that it will come in some form. When you least expect it and in a surprising manner you will be given exactly what you need. Your spirit is always ready and willing. Are you? There are guides aplenty, just waiting. Give doubt the boot and let innocence be your first guide. It will show you how to ask in the right way, with a humble heart. Give it a try and see what happens. It might be just the right thing for you at this time in your life.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne