Soulbyte for Monday June 20, 2022

It’s often hard to change, to do what you instinctively know is right for you to do, to face the truth and take the big step that will lead you out of one situation and into another. Rather than reliving what’s not right, why not live what is right? Before long you’ll realize how much better off you are and how right you were to finally make the change.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday June 17, 2022

Life is a journey of ups and downs, successes and failures, attempts to change and determinations to never change certain things. But in the end, the journey through life is all about accepting the big changes and learning to allow for the small everyday changes in life. Learn to go with the flow so that you can get in synch with your life as it unfolds and make the most of it, neither fearful nor resentful of it but open and ready for each day as it comes.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday June 16, 2022

Inspiration comes when least expected. Do not cut it off but allow it to come into your life as it will, whether in a few words or ideas at a time or in one fell swoop. Allow it to light your imagination and take you on a journey of your own creativity. To inspire is to kindle the light of the soul and allow it to speak, and that can only be good!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday June 15, 2022

Without regret for what transpired the day before, begin each new day on firm ground by declaring it of sacred beginning, clear and free of the past, and with an open heart allow the self to be kind, loving and compassionate in all you do, say, and think. A new day is a gift, so make it worthy by accepting it as such. And have a great day!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Soulful Times

What does the future look like?
– Artwork © 2022 Jan Ketchel

The rapid-fire explosive energy of now leaves little doubt that great change is on the very near horizon. The path of human evolution is abundantly clear. The human soul, in the form of the energy body, has emerged as a utilitarian entity, destined to play a major role in the living of future life in human form.

Bob Monroe journeyed to a future permutation of Earth where humans lived primarily in their energy body state and kept their human bodies safely tucked away, visited once or twice a week by their owners. He experienced the Earth itself as nature completely flourishing, with no sign of human transportation systems. In this new world, the fuel for travel in the energy body was the intent of thought alone. In a world of energetic mastery, materialism—the current human obsession—had largely become a laborious anachronistic pastime.

The worldwide trauma of now is the cracking open of the defensive wall that has blocked access to the soul. The dominant rational mind’s ability to dismiss  the soul, with all its subtle power to direct human life, is on the wane. The impotence of reason itself, in the face of the irrational, is evidenced at the highest levels of governance.

Life in the energy body is life in total transparency, where non-verbal communication is the norm. In energetic reality there is no such thing as lies, as the truth is completely revealed. Hence, acquiescence to the true needs of the planet becomes the no-brainer of energetic reality. The cumbersome practice of material hoarding is retired in favor of the materialization of imagination.

The Earth and all its inhabitants are currently confronting the upsurge of civilization’s suppressed shadow. The primal human ego that seeks power and abundance for itself and its own is having its day. The hatred and rageful energy accompanying this unleashing of the suppressed is inevitable. We cannot evolve without squaring with the fullness of our wholeness. We cannot evolve without transcending the chokehold of our narcissism.

Begin with suspending judgment. Judgment is the cynical internal dialogue that devalues and doubts the integrity of everything and everyone, seeking to distract us from the positive potential of our souls. How easy it is to identify the flaws in self and other. Shift to compassion. “Forgive them father, they know not what they do” is helpful guidance.

Be guided by synchronicities, which are stirrings from the soul reaching out to awaken us to its active existence. Use recapitulation, shamanic magical passes, breathing, Hemi-sync, and dreaming to discover and journey into the true depths of the soul.

Stay positive in these most soulful of times, it truly is all good.

Perseveringly positive,
